16 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
If yes, how are funded articles collected or archived? N=31
Authors are required to deposit their articles in the institutional repository 14 45%
Someone at the institution retrieves and deposits the article 7 23%
Authors may voluntarily deposit their articles in the institutional repository 6 19%
Other process 4 13%
Please briefly describe the other process. N=4
Articles are noted as supported by HOPE in our repository.
Authors are required to do it, but in practice, about half of the articles are collected by library staff.
Authors can submit or someone at the institution will submit for them.
Authors may voluntarily deposit their articles AND someone at the institution retrieves and
deposits them.
Additional comment N=1
I’ve indicated that articles supported by our COAP fund are not archived by our institution. I think
this response comes closest to the situation here: we are not currently tying our APC subsidy program
to the deposit of articles in our IR, nor are we tracking whether authors who receive the subsidies are
depositing their articles locally. However, we do manage an IR and funded authors are free to deposit
their articles there.
8. Which unit(s) in your institution contribute money to the APC fund? Check all that apply. N=36
Library 35 97%
Administration (provost, president, or chancellor) 10 28%
Office of research 5 14%
Individual academic departments or colleges 2 6%
Central budget office 0 0%
University press 0 0%
Other unit 6 17%
Please specify the other unit. N=6
It was both the main library and the medical library contributing money to the fund.
Office of research has contributed in the past.
OhioLINK contributed some funding to the project.
Provost Office
School of Medicine School of Nursing
The pilot was funded by the University Libraries and the Health Sciences Library.
If yes, how are funded articles collected or archived? N=31
Authors are required to deposit their articles in the institutional repository 14 45%
Someone at the institution retrieves and deposits the article 7 23%
Authors may voluntarily deposit their articles in the institutional repository 6 19%
Other process 4 13%
Please briefly describe the other process. N=4
Articles are noted as supported by HOPE in our repository.
Authors are required to do it, but in practice, about half of the articles are collected by library staff.
Authors can submit or someone at the institution will submit for them.
Authors may voluntarily deposit their articles AND someone at the institution retrieves and
deposits them.
Additional comment N=1
I’ve indicated that articles supported by our COAP fund are not archived by our institution. I think
this response comes closest to the situation here: we are not currently tying our APC subsidy program
to the deposit of articles in our IR, nor are we tracking whether authors who receive the subsidies are
depositing their articles locally. However, we do manage an IR and funded authors are free to deposit
their articles there.
8. Which unit(s) in your institution contribute money to the APC fund? Check all that apply. N=36
Library 35 97%
Administration (provost, president, or chancellor) 10 28%
Office of research 5 14%
Individual academic departments or colleges 2 6%
Central budget office 0 0%
University press 0 0%
Other unit 6 17%
Please specify the other unit. N=6
It was both the main library and the medical library contributing money to the fund.
Office of research has contributed in the past.
OhioLINK contributed some funding to the project.
Provost Office
School of Medicine School of Nursing
The pilot was funded by the University Libraries and the Health Sciences Library.