SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 75
University of Connecticut
Collecting Strategy 2010–2013
Make acquisition in electronic form our preference for all books expected to be of widespread
interest—when we have this option.
Expand efforts to facilitate and consolidate selector review and ordering of ebooks.
Experiment with patron‐driven acquisition of ebooks
Continue to emphasize ebooks to support subjects taught on multiple campuses.
Goal: 6: Retain unique content exclusively available in print and recognize that many users continue to
prefer the physical book for specific uses.
Strategies related to Goal 6:
Monitor proposed Google Settlement and publishers’ response.
Be equally reluctant to acquire or discard print monographs locally available in electronic form.
Rely on use statistics.
Acquire core monographs in dual formats where feasible.
Goal 7: Focus print monographic collecting on curriculum support and the known research interests of
faculty and graduate students. Direct research level collecting toward our core strengths and those
related areas that contribute a high percentage of unique materials to the shared holdings of the Boston
Library Consortium.
Strategies related to goal 7:
Support our core strengths through strong English language monographic acquisitions on:
human rights early American studies Foreign Relations 1945‐ and issues of race, class, gender,
ethnicity and sexuality across disciplines.
Support local strengths not replicated within the Boston Library Consortium through worldwide
collecting in English and European languages (where appropriate) on prehistory, aboriginal
peoples, South Africa, Iran, South Asia, Italian history and Latin American Studies.
Continue to work to limit duplication with other BLC libraries in what we purchase in foreign
languages or from outside the U.S. and U.K. Metric: 67% of such acquisitions will be unique.
Continue to support all expressions of interest in formalizing collecting responsibilities within
the BLC.
Continue to analyze circulation and interlibrary loan data to better target print acquisitions to
user needs.
Goal 8: Give preference to streaming video and audio resources as finances permit.
Seek affordable options for vendor hosted streaming services.
Work with interested faculty to review streaming products.
Provide feedback to vendors, producers and distributors on pricing and provision models.
Monitor the legal environment and library best practices to assure our compliance with evolving
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