34 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Please describe other activity. N=5
Call for input from potential users.
How many other institutions in consortium are participating in deal (if it affects cost).
Vendor visit or online presentation.
Evaluation of MARC records.
Faculty input and support for the resource is absolutely essential. The Consortia license may be attractive, but we only
subscribe as an institution if there is demonstrated demand for the product.
Please enter any additional comments about the assessment of new consortial e-resources. N=10
Again there are few hard and fast rules. Where content overlaps with other constorially licensed products is likely we
attempt to assess it. Consulting external reviews, contacting other subscribers, and/or involving end users are rarely
An important thing that I always ask for if I license a product prior to the establishment of a consortial deal is that if such
a deal is struck, my spend will count toward the consortial spend.
E-archiving arrangements only come into play with purchased e-resources: that is, when it is a question of e-ownership
rights/perpetual access they never are a factor with leased products. Cost also plays a critical role in determining how
significant are some of the criteria listed above. As a rule, the more expensive an e-resource the higher are the standards
of evaluation and the more significant are the criteria listed above.
E-resources are becoming more the norm and, except for those activities noted above, are treated and considered as
other resources....important or not to our research and curriculum needs.
Get pricing from multiple consortia.
Platform comparisons reviews of trial usage statistics vendor demonstration.
Note: All of the responses above are from the perspective of the NCSU Libraries and not the consortia.
OCUL has created a new position for one of its members: Scholars Portal Evaluation +Assessment Librarian. This
person will assist in developing new assessment activities for e-resources purchased through OCUL
The two most important factors are overlap with existing content, and the academic/research need the new resource
would fill.
Where content overlap with other consortially licensed products is likely we attempt to assess it. Consulting external
reviews, contacting other subscribers, and/or involving end users are only done at a consortial level if necessary.
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