62 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
The primary problem with reviewing the history of tech support issues is that there are some databases, such as natural
product communications, that can be highly problematic but their content is unique. So, as much as the person who has
to “clean up the mess” would like to cancel, it isn’t always easy.
Publicizing New E-resources
33. Which of the following methods has your library used for publicizing new e-resources? Which were
the most effective? Check all the methods you library has used and select up to five methods that
have been most effective for your library. N=73
Most Effective
Cataloging networked resources in the library catalog 72 47
Liaison meetings, consultations, or individual contact with faculty and/or graduate
72 47
Announcements on the library’s Web site 72 26
Targeted communications sent to relevant schools, department, faculty and graduate
70 44
Group training sessions for schools, departments, faculty, and/or graduate students 68 28
Information sent via broadcast e-mail, or electronic bulletin boards 51 12
Articles in library newsletter(s) 51 1
Linking from course management software (Blackboard, WebCT, etc.) 50 18
Signs posted around the library 28 3
Announcements or links in Social Networking and Second Life Sites 27 1
Other method 15 7
Please describe other method(s) your library has used to publicize new e-resources.
Used and Most Effective
Announcements in university newsletter. We have not studied effectiveness of publicity methods.
Blog with e-mail contact or RSS feed.
Inclusion in the A-Z list and/or targeting the resource in the library’s meta search engine.
Linking through link resolver.
Press releases Web-based news service.
The primary problem with reviewing the history of tech support issues is that there are some databases, such as natural
product communications, that can be highly problematic but their content is unique. So, as much as the person who has
to “clean up the mess” would like to cancel, it isn’t always easy.
Publicizing New E-resources
33. Which of the following methods has your library used for publicizing new e-resources? Which were
the most effective? Check all the methods you library has used and select up to five methods that
have been most effective for your library. N=73
Most Effective
Cataloging networked resources in the library catalog 72 47
Liaison meetings, consultations, or individual contact with faculty and/or graduate
72 47
Announcements on the library’s Web site 72 26
Targeted communications sent to relevant schools, department, faculty and graduate
70 44
Group training sessions for schools, departments, faculty, and/or graduate students 68 28
Information sent via broadcast e-mail, or electronic bulletin boards 51 12
Articles in library newsletter(s) 51 1
Linking from course management software (Blackboard, WebCT, etc.) 50 18
Signs posted around the library 28 3
Announcements or links in Social Networking and Second Life Sites 27 1
Other method 15 7
Please describe other method(s) your library has used to publicize new e-resources.
Used and Most Effective
Announcements in university newsletter. We have not studied effectiveness of publicity methods.
Blog with e-mail contact or RSS feed.
Inclusion in the A-Z list and/or targeting the resource in the library’s meta search engine.
Linking through link resolver.
Press releases Web-based news service.