SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 45
Please describe the “Other” individual(s) or group(s) who is responsible for identifying or
evaluating new e-resources for direct purchase/licensing. N=13
Acquisitions Department Faculty requests
Campus faculty
Collection Development Officer
Electronic resource coordinator (evaluation only)
Electronic resources coordinator, faculty and students during trials (evaluation only)
Faculty frequently identify new items. Faculty and student opinions are frequently gathered on new resources.
Faculty students staff
Head of Collection Development (2 responses)
Subject-specific collection development teams
We almost never move forward without faculty input and endorsement.
Please enter any additional comments about who identifies and evaluates new e-resources for
your library. N=5
Collection Management Librarian and subject librarians identify while evaluation extends to other groups such as
teaching faculty, reference librarians.
E-Resource group plays a role only in terms of technology and access issues. In this respect they do play a role in
evaluating all e-resources.
Requests for new products do come from faculty and senior administrators as well as the occasional student.
The electronic resource coordinator evaluates products for technical compatibility with the libraries’ network, and for
acceptable licensing terms.
There is no protocol in place whereby one librarian would say to a group, “Hey everyone, have a look at this.” A librarian
would identify a resource, ideally as a result of faculty contact, and then request a trial.
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