54 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Collections management committee
Dean &AUL make final decision after recommendations from an e-resources working group.
Director (sometimes), Provost (rarely)
Director for Collections and Services and Director for Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access
Fund Group Leaders
Library director
Occasionally, the Dean
The Dean of Libraries approves all purchases and subscriptions.
University Librarian
Please enter any additional comments about who makes the final decision for acquiring new
directly purchased/licensed e-resources for your library.
Associate Director for Library Services has ultimate authority over decision.
Associate Librarian for Library Services, depending on cost of resource.
AUL Collections must be involved when a cost threshold is reached.
Collection Development Council
Depending on the type of resource, the AUL for Information Resources may be involved in working with academic deans
or department heads to finalize a decision.
Essentially the selectors who can provide money make the decision. No money often means no decision. Therefore, the
selectors with money, in combination with the Associate Director for Collections who has ‘special’ money, make final
decisions. Subject specialists are most able to make subject decisions on their own because of their dedicated funds.
For expensive e-products, individual subject selectors submit requests the Electronic Resources Selection Committee
evaluates these requests and makes recommendations in priority and ranked order and the Collection Development
Council makes the actual funding decisions.
Selectors Contribute to final decision but do not make a final decision.
Special funding from Provost or other new library funds are an important determinant in some acquisitions.
Subject Librarians recommendations are always considered in conjunction with funding possibilities.
The Collection Development officer makes final decisions with relevant bibliographer and may consult with the
Bibliographers Advisory Committee on large multidisciplinary packages.
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