152 · Representative Documents: Library Selectors
University of Connecticut
Collections Council
The University of Connecticut Libraries
Collections Council
The Collections Council operates as a Program Team within Library Research Services. Its principal role is
to advise and support the work of the Collection Development Librarian to providing both operational
leadership and strategic planning for the overall development and management of our collections and
information resources in support of university teaching and research programs. The Council also makes
selection and retention decisions for interdisciplinary databases, electronic reference tools and e-journal
packages. Because this role extends beyond Library Research Services the Team Leader for Undergraduate
Services and the Program Directory for the Regional Campuses Libraries have been added to the Council.
Members of the Council are expected to work as a management team not a representative body. Whether
members are asked to make decisions, or offer advice and counsel to the Collection Development Librarian,
the interest of the University of Connecticut Libraries and their users, needs to be everyone’s fundamental
point of reference. The Council reviews any significant changes to current practice in collection
development or collection management and coordinates communication to liaisons, administrators, and the
university community at large as appropriate. The Council handles the distribution of any new funds,
authorized by the Collections Budget Team, to itself and the liaison subject teams. Similarly the Council
advises the Collection Development Librarian on budget strategy and helps implement reductions to our
existing commitments when these are necessary. Members of the Council will also be expected to assist the
Collection Development Librarian, directly or by delegation, with the data gathering, data presentation and
data analysis activities that enable both the Council and individual liaison librarians to make better informed
selection and retention decisions.
The Collections Council works in coordination with
• the Collections Budget Team through which Director’s Council exercises direct oversight over key
resource allocation decisions, such as the size of e-resource budget, the collection support budget and
the monographic budget
• the Team Leader for Acquisitions, Financial Services and Statistics to ensure timely communication
concerning licensing, renewals and available measures of usage and user behavior
• designated representatives from the UConn Law School and UConn Health Center to ensure that their
interests and shared purchase commitments are fully considered in our licensing, selection and
cancellation decisions
• members of the Undergraduate Team in Access Services and Liaisons at the Regional Campus
libraries and within our Research Services Area to ensure effective use and promotion of our
electronic products
• appropriate individuals on the Resource Access Team to ensure the accurate updating of our eJournal
Locator and Research Database Locator and to raise the Council’s awareness of questions raised by
staff and public users about our electronic services
• the Chair of the User Team to ensure continuous input from all measures of user behavior into our
resource allocation decisions.
University of Connecticut
Collections Council
The University of Connecticut Libraries
Collections Council
The Collections Council operates as a Program Team within Library Research Services. Its principal role is
to advise and support the work of the Collection Development Librarian to providing both operational
leadership and strategic planning for the overall development and management of our collections and
information resources in support of university teaching and research programs. The Council also makes
selection and retention decisions for interdisciplinary databases, electronic reference tools and e-journal
packages. Because this role extends beyond Library Research Services the Team Leader for Undergraduate
Services and the Program Directory for the Regional Campuses Libraries have been added to the Council.
Members of the Council are expected to work as a management team not a representative body. Whether
members are asked to make decisions, or offer advice and counsel to the Collection Development Librarian,
the interest of the University of Connecticut Libraries and their users, needs to be everyone’s fundamental
point of reference. The Council reviews any significant changes to current practice in collection
development or collection management and coordinates communication to liaisons, administrators, and the
university community at large as appropriate. The Council handles the distribution of any new funds,
authorized by the Collections Budget Team, to itself and the liaison subject teams. Similarly the Council
advises the Collection Development Librarian on budget strategy and helps implement reductions to our
existing commitments when these are necessary. Members of the Council will also be expected to assist the
Collection Development Librarian, directly or by delegation, with the data gathering, data presentation and
data analysis activities that enable both the Council and individual liaison librarians to make better informed
selection and retention decisions.
The Collections Council works in coordination with
• the Collections Budget Team through which Director’s Council exercises direct oversight over key
resource allocation decisions, such as the size of e-resource budget, the collection support budget and
the monographic budget
• the Team Leader for Acquisitions, Financial Services and Statistics to ensure timely communication
concerning licensing, renewals and available measures of usage and user behavior
• designated representatives from the UConn Law School and UConn Health Center to ensure that their
interests and shared purchase commitments are fully considered in our licensing, selection and
cancellation decisions
• members of the Undergraduate Team in Access Services and Liaisons at the Regional Campus
libraries and within our Research Services Area to ensure effective use and promotion of our
electronic products
• appropriate individuals on the Resource Access Team to ensure the accurate updating of our eJournal
Locator and Research Database Locator and to raise the Council’s awareness of questions raised by
staff and public users about our electronic services
• the Chair of the User Team to ensure continuous input from all measures of user behavior into our
resource allocation decisions.