SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 57
29. Who is responsible for evaluating directly licensed e-resources for renewal? Check all that apply.
N Discipline/
Librarians with mixed collections and/or teaching and/
or reference responsibilities
56 51 51
Librarians dedicated to collection development in all
formats (e.g., bibliographers)
44 44 36
General collection development group 42 33 41
Library senior administrators – Deans/directors/AULs 29 27 28
Librarians dedicated to e-resource management 27 23 27
E-resource group 24 21 23
Other individual(s) or group(s) 11 11 11
Please describe the “Other” individual(s) or group(s) who is responsible for evaluating directly
licensed e-resources for renewal.
A standing committee that reviews all subscriptions
Acquisitions librarian contacts e-resources group if renewal costs exceed a predetermined percentage over the last
An electronic resources librarian leads the review of databases.
Business Services office (Library)
Collection Development Head
Collection Development Officer
Electronic resources coordinator
Faculty students
Head of Collection Development
Head of collection management and acquisitions librarian
Head, Collection Development
29. Who is responsible for evaluating directly licensed e-resources for renewal? Check all that apply.
N Discipline/
Librarians with mixed collections and/or teaching and/
or reference responsibilities
56 51 51
Librarians dedicated to collection development in all
formats (e.g., bibliographers)
44 44 36
General collection development group 42 33 41
Library senior administrators – Deans/directors/AULs 29 27 28
Librarians dedicated to e-resource management 27 23 27
E-resource group 24 21 23
Other individual(s) or group(s) 11 11 11
Please describe the “Other” individual(s) or group(s) who is responsible for evaluating directly
licensed e-resources for renewal.
A standing committee that reviews all subscriptions
Acquisitions librarian contacts e-resources group if renewal costs exceed a predetermined percentage over the last
An electronic resources librarian leads the review of databases.
Business Services office (Library)
Collection Development Head
Collection Development Officer
Electronic resources coordinator
Faculty students
Head of Collection Development
Head of collection management and acquisitions librarian
Head, Collection Development