SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 39
resource is relatively expensive or there is some other reason to question its utility, usage statistics will be checked and/
or selectors questioned about current appropriateness for the collection.
The review is more of an informal discussion at renewal time rather than a formal review process.
They are renewed annually -subject selectors are responsible to do so.
Typically renewal time although recently we have had special reviews due to budget cuts.
We always ask at renewal time when we call for the payment.
We have a 3-year review cycle for all databases, (which would include databases purchased thru a consortium).
We typically review when we are in the last year of a contract.
With NERL, renewal is assumed unless a member self-identifies as wishing to cancel. But the opportunity or occasion is
always announced via e-mail.
Answered No
Renewal is a normal review for expensive multi-year deals, or simply very expensive or overlapping resources, but ‘core
resources’ are rarely reviewed in this way. Less expensive and narrowly focused resources may only be reviewed at the
selector preference.
Very few resources are reviewed at renewal. Reviews occur at the time of budget analysis.
16. Who is responsible for evaluating consortial e-resources for renewal? Check all that apply. N=71
Individual consortium members 62 87%
Consortium staff 43 61%
Group of consortium members dedicated to renewal evaluation 19 27%
Other individual or group 9 13%
Please describe the other individual or group. N=9
An ad hoc group may be appointed to evaluate a consortial acquisition.
Bibliographer Groups (system-wide)
Consensus of all members
Currently, it consists of team members from Collection Development Operations &Acquisitions Unit.
Library directors
Our selectors give input as to value and consider price increase in relation to our needs and budget.
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