SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 41
Use in itself can be important.
We have just begun to look at contract language that protects institutional author rights as a criteria for consideration.
18. Please indicate how often the following activities are part of your library’s process for evaluating
consortial e-resources for renewal. Please make one choice per row. N=73
N Never
Title (or other content) comparisons to e-resource
products already held by the library
73 — 18 44 11
Check availability of e-resource through an
alternative platform or package
73 1 26 35 11
Calculation of cost per use 73 1 20 33 19
Review of past usage statistics 73 — 8 32 33
Evaluate inflation history 73 — 16 28 29
Title (or other content) comparison to freely
available e-resource products (e.g., WorldCat,
PubMed, Google Scholar)
73 4 39 24 6
Title (or other content) comparison to print
resources held by the library
73 3 37 22 11
Evaluate cost increase over previous year 73 — 8 19 46
Check availability of resource material from
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery suppliers
73 22 40 6 5
Opinions of users collected at such service desks
as the reference desk, individual contact, meetings,
consultations, questionnaires, focus groups, or
some formal survey
73 18 48 6 1
Comparison of cost per use to other resources in
72 4 42 17 9
Review history of tech support issues 72 13 44 14 1
Call for input from library staff outside the selecting
group or designated selector
72 8 54 8 2
Other activity 3 — 2 1 —
Use in itself can be important.
We have just begun to look at contract language that protects institutional author rights as a criteria for consideration.
18. Please indicate how often the following activities are part of your library’s process for evaluating
consortial e-resources for renewal. Please make one choice per row. N=73
N Never
Title (or other content) comparisons to e-resource
products already held by the library
73 — 18 44 11
Check availability of e-resource through an
alternative platform or package
73 1 26 35 11
Calculation of cost per use 73 1 20 33 19
Review of past usage statistics 73 — 8 32 33
Evaluate inflation history 73 — 16 28 29
Title (or other content) comparison to freely
available e-resource products (e.g., WorldCat,
PubMed, Google Scholar)
73 4 39 24 6
Title (or other content) comparison to print
resources held by the library
73 3 37 22 11
Evaluate cost increase over previous year 73 — 8 19 46
Check availability of resource material from
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery suppliers
73 22 40 6 5
Opinions of users collected at such service desks
as the reference desk, individual contact, meetings,
consultations, questionnaires, focus groups, or
some formal survey
73 18 48 6 1
Comparison of cost per use to other resources in
72 4 42 17 9
Review history of tech support issues 72 13 44 14 1
Call for input from library staff outside the selecting
group or designated selector
72 8 54 8 2
Other activity 3 — 2 1 —