42 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Please describe other activity.
Above reflects current activity. Many of the above answers are in the process of being elevated to usually or always.
There are resources that we subscribe to jointly with our Medical and Law libraries. If one of them cannot afford their
share at renewal, that can kill the renewal even if this library would have been willing to go forward. We are forbidden
by upper administration from subsidizing those other schools.
Try to look beyond cost/use which is only one point in an evaluation of a resource. For journals, look at faculty activity
in publishing. Also try to look at the overall importance of the resource in the field, where we have overlap and if that
uniqueness is in areas we support. It is a complicated process to evaluate.
Additional comments
Balance of above activities is important, and they all become *more* important in combination if a resource appears to
have little use or is very expensive.
Evaluations occur when the cost increase is substantial.
Note re question about comparing titles to print resources held by the library. We never do this for renewals since when
we initially purchase an e-resource we immediately discontinue any print subscriptions that we might have had. So when
it’s time to renew, print is irrelevant.
19. Are e-resource evaluations recorded and maintained? N=73
Yes 37 51%
No 36 49%
If yes, are there any circumstances under which an evaluation might be revisited? N=37
Yes 36 97%
No 1 3%
Does Record E-resource Evaluations
Evaluations are maintained annually and we would review past evaluations for future decisions to re-subscribe to a
canceled resource or consider cancellation.
Please describe other activity.
Above reflects current activity. Many of the above answers are in the process of being elevated to usually or always.
There are resources that we subscribe to jointly with our Medical and Law libraries. If one of them cannot afford their
share at renewal, that can kill the renewal even if this library would have been willing to go forward. We are forbidden
by upper administration from subsidizing those other schools.
Try to look beyond cost/use which is only one point in an evaluation of a resource. For journals, look at faculty activity
in publishing. Also try to look at the overall importance of the resource in the field, where we have overlap and if that
uniqueness is in areas we support. It is a complicated process to evaluate.
Additional comments
Balance of above activities is important, and they all become *more* important in combination if a resource appears to
have little use or is very expensive.
Evaluations occur when the cost increase is substantial.
Note re question about comparing titles to print resources held by the library. We never do this for renewals since when
we initially purchase an e-resource we immediately discontinue any print subscriptions that we might have had. So when
it’s time to renew, print is irrelevant.
19. Are e-resource evaluations recorded and maintained? N=73
Yes 37 51%
No 36 49%
If yes, are there any circumstances under which an evaluation might be revisited? N=37
Yes 36 97%
No 1 3%
Does Record E-resource Evaluations
Evaluations are maintained annually and we would review past evaluations for future decisions to re-subscribe to a
canceled resource or consider cancellation.