SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 21
We have a Guidelines &Principles document that broadly addresses this.
We have an “electronic only subscriptions policy” that simply states our goal to convert the majority of print journal
subscriptions to e-only within three years.
We have an e-only journal exceptions policy.
Answered No
Addressed within general selection policy.
Although the University Library does not have a general policy covering commercially available e-resources, it does
have specific policies, e.g., E-Only Journal Policy and Guidelines for Journal Review that governs the move to e-only
and states under what conditions corresponding print subscriptions will be continued. As a rule, any e-resource can be
purchased so long as the licensing/contract terms are acceptable and there are no technical difficulties in accessing the
Central Library doesn’t have a collection development policy that specifically address e-resources but the University Law
Library does.
Currently developing them.
However, we just developed a policy for e-books.
In some cases that are general references to format.
Our collection development policies are format neutral.
Our policy is incorporated in our mission statement.
So far, we have been doing without any kind of comprehensive CD policy.
We have a few checklists of criteria that we consider when evaluating resources, but no collection development policy.
We have guidelines for when we can go to online only. We hope to update the policy this year.
We plan to have one.
2. Does your library use an electronic resource management system (ERM)? N=72
Yes 49 68%
No 23 32%
If yes, which functions are used?
Contact, Licensing function. So far, haven’t integrated statistics.
Contact, resource, and license records are created using Innovative Interfaces ERM module. E-resources are added to
topical categories.
Coverage load, license data, statistics, overlap reports, OPAC features.
We have a Guidelines &Principles document that broadly addresses this.
We have an “electronic only subscriptions policy” that simply states our goal to convert the majority of print journal
subscriptions to e-only within three years.
We have an e-only journal exceptions policy.
Answered No
Addressed within general selection policy.
Although the University Library does not have a general policy covering commercially available e-resources, it does
have specific policies, e.g., E-Only Journal Policy and Guidelines for Journal Review that governs the move to e-only
and states under what conditions corresponding print subscriptions will be continued. As a rule, any e-resource can be
purchased so long as the licensing/contract terms are acceptable and there are no technical difficulties in accessing the
Central Library doesn’t have a collection development policy that specifically address e-resources but the University Law
Library does.
Currently developing them.
However, we just developed a policy for e-books.
In some cases that are general references to format.
Our collection development policies are format neutral.
Our policy is incorporated in our mission statement.
So far, we have been doing without any kind of comprehensive CD policy.
We have a few checklists of criteria that we consider when evaluating resources, but no collection development policy.
We have guidelines for when we can go to online only. We hope to update the policy this year.
We plan to have one.
2. Does your library use an electronic resource management system (ERM)? N=72
Yes 49 68%
No 23 32%
If yes, which functions are used?
Contact, Licensing function. So far, haven’t integrated statistics.
Contact, resource, and license records are created using Innovative Interfaces ERM module. E-resources are added to
topical categories.
Coverage load, license data, statistics, overlap reports, OPAC features.