SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 29
License terms acceptability or ability to negotiate. Related resources clustered on same platform.
Potential for transforming scholarly communication.
Very Important
Agree to consortial license language, reliability of access.
Interlibrary loan/document delivery ability, to print without restrictions durable URLs targets in open URL resolvers
stable pricing with less than 4% annual increase. Other: alumni access.
Perpetual access provisions that allow print weeding.
Perpetual rights for appropriate content interlibrary loan arrangement other licensing terms.
Perpetual rights for appropriate content interlibrary loan arrangements other licensing terms.
We also consider duplication across existing collections and how the collection or product complements existing
collections. In addition, we prefer platform neutral products.
Deal Breaker
As the library serving a land-grant institution, we seek license terms that allow walk-in users and support ILL.
While none of the criteria listed above would individually be a deal-breaker, the library takes all of these factors into
consideration to various extents when deciding which products it would acquire. (The cost of needed and potentially
useful products always exceeds available funding!) Within the context of these factors, e-resources that support
instruction generally are acquired before those that only support research. The library’s ability to acquire expensive
e-resources could to some extent be predicated upon the willingness of selectors to contribute some of their specific
funds to help cover the cost of an e-resource. Support for mobile devices has not been used as a criterion in the past but
is becoming important.
Inflation rates/caps.
Post-cancellation access rights site-wide access scholarly sharing/fair use provisions cancellation and/or swap
allowance in multi-year agreements back-out clause in multi-year agreements due to fiscal exigencies.
Some aspects that are very important to users (bibliographic export, interface) do not normally play a large role in
making an acquisition decision, which is driven most strongly by content relevance so long as cost or access are not
prohibitive aspects. Mobile interface is just becoming more important, but not yet a decision factor. Preservation
arrangements are finally becoming more important (although Very Important may be too strong in terms of whether the
lack of such arrangements would be a deal-breaker). COUNTER statistics have mixed importance--there are times where
the library wants to evaluate value in this way, but it is understood that even counter-compliant statistics can be very
much open to interpretation (and manipulation).
The resource must be available for campus wide, IP authenticated access.
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