SPEC Kit 316: Evaluating E-resources · 177
Books and Journal Articles
Bleiler, Richard, and Terry Plum. Networked Information Resources. SPEC Kit 253. Washington, DC: Associa-
tion of Research Libraries, 1999.
Chamberlain, Clint, Vida Damijonatis, Selden Durgom Lamoureux, Brett Rubinstein, Lisa Sibert, and Mi-
cheline Westfall. “Informing Licensing Stakeholders: Toward a More Effective Negotiation.” The
Serials Librarian 58, no. 1 (February 2010): 127–40.
Durrant, Fiona. Negotiating Licenses for Digital Resources. London: Facet NY: Neal-Schuman, 2006.
Farb, Sharon. “Libraries, Licensing and the Challenge of Stewardship.” First Monday (July 2006).
Flatley, Robert K., and Krista Prock. “Best Practices: E-Resource Collection Development: A Survey of
Current Practices in Academic Libraries.” Libraryworks.com (2009).
Hahn, Karla. “SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding). Opening Up New Possibilities for Elec-
tronic Resource Transactions.” D-Lib Magazine (November/December 2007).
Nagra, Kanu A. “The Evaluation of Use of Electronic Resources and Services in Academic Libraries: A
Study of E-metrics and Related Methods for Measurement and Assessment.” Library Administra-
tion &Management 5, no. 3 (2009): 28–41.
Negrucci, Teresa. “E-usage Data: The Basics.” Colorado Libraries 34, no. 1 (2008): 48–50.
Nisonger, Thomas E. “Use of the Checklist Method for Content Evaluation of Full-text Databases: An In-
vestigation of Two Databases Based on Citations from Two Journals.” Library Resources &Technical
Services 52, no. 1 (January 2008): 4–17.
Noh, Younghee. “A Study on Developing Evaluation Criteria for Electronic Resources in Evaluation Indi-
cators of Libraries.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 36, no. 1 (January 2010): 41–52.
Powers, Audrey, and Thomas W. Leonhardt. “Chapter 3: Evaluating Databases for Acquisitions and Col-
lection Development.” In Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions, edited by Thomas Leon-
hardt, 41–60. NY: Haworth Press, 2006.
Books and Journal Articles
Bleiler, Richard, and Terry Plum. Networked Information Resources. SPEC Kit 253. Washington, DC: Associa-
tion of Research Libraries, 1999.
Chamberlain, Clint, Vida Damijonatis, Selden Durgom Lamoureux, Brett Rubinstein, Lisa Sibert, and Mi-
cheline Westfall. “Informing Licensing Stakeholders: Toward a More Effective Negotiation.” The
Serials Librarian 58, no. 1 (February 2010): 127–40.
Durrant, Fiona. Negotiating Licenses for Digital Resources. London: Facet NY: Neal-Schuman, 2006.
Farb, Sharon. “Libraries, Licensing and the Challenge of Stewardship.” First Monday (July 2006).
Flatley, Robert K., and Krista Prock. “Best Practices: E-Resource Collection Development: A Survey of
Current Practices in Academic Libraries.” Libraryworks.com (2009).
Hahn, Karla. “SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding). Opening Up New Possibilities for Elec-
tronic Resource Transactions.” D-Lib Magazine (November/December 2007).
Nagra, Kanu A. “The Evaluation of Use of Electronic Resources and Services in Academic Libraries: A
Study of E-metrics and Related Methods for Measurement and Assessment.” Library Administra-
tion &Management 5, no. 3 (2009): 28–41.
Negrucci, Teresa. “E-usage Data: The Basics.” Colorado Libraries 34, no. 1 (2008): 48–50.
Nisonger, Thomas E. “Use of the Checklist Method for Content Evaluation of Full-text Databases: An In-
vestigation of Two Databases Based on Citations from Two Journals.” Library Resources &Technical
Services 52, no. 1 (January 2008): 4–17.
Noh, Younghee. “A Study on Developing Evaluation Criteria for Electronic Resources in Evaluation Indi-
cators of Libraries.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 36, no. 1 (January 2010): 41–52.
Powers, Audrey, and Thomas W. Leonhardt. “Chapter 3: Evaluating Databases for Acquisitions and Col-
lection Development.” In Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions, edited by Thomas Leon-
hardt, 41–60. NY: Haworth Press, 2006.