SPEC Kit 321: Services for Users with Disabilities · 39
Any library employee at a service point is expected to provide services. If they need to leave the service point and
cannot, someone else is called.
Any one with a public service role.
Any staff on any of the service desks are asked to help, as they are able, with a person with disabilities. When the
request goes beyond what is currently provided in the library, or the person assisting the person with disabilities does
not know what we offer, the Assistive Technologies Coordinator is asked to help.
At the minimum, anyone approached should be able to make a proper referral (to the Coordinator for Services for Users
with Disabilities). If the user knows what they need, public services (Reference or Circulation) staff can direct them to
the equipment.
AV staff, Librarians, Support Services staff, Reserves staff, Circulation staff.
Circulation and reference staff, library security.
Computer Lab, Circulation staff, Reference staff.
Coordinator for services for users with disabilities provides primary service coordination. All library public services staff
assist users with disabilities.
Disabilities Coordinator and faculty/staff at the Information Desk as necessary.
I believe there is a responsibility for all staff to either assist users with disabilities or to identify who can provide the
needed services.
It depends on the service that needs to be provided (access, research). All staff that provides public service are expected
to assist users with disabilities.
Learning Commons Coordinator, Learning Commons Supervisors and student staff. (There is an Assistive Technologies
Specialist employed by the Office of Information Technologies who is available to assist as well).
One librarian serves as the Coordinator of the Assistive Technology Center. She has significant other duties as well.
Other staff that are expected to assist include Circulation staff, Reference staff, Copy Center staff and Interlibrary
Services staff.
Public Service Staff and library faculty.
Public services staff Reference services librarians.
Reference staff and Circulation Services staff.
Reference staff and Circulation staff.
Reference staff and Visitor Services Office staff (including VSO volunteers).
Reference, Media, and Access Services.
Stacks Management staff and student proctors. Reference librarians have limited responsibilities.
The Coordinator of Library Services for Persons with Disabilities and her scanning technician have primary responsibility
and staff an assistive technology laboratory in the library.
The multimedia center staff.
Any library employee at a service point is expected to provide services. If they need to leave the service point and
cannot, someone else is called.
Any one with a public service role.
Any staff on any of the service desks are asked to help, as they are able, with a person with disabilities. When the
request goes beyond what is currently provided in the library, or the person assisting the person with disabilities does
not know what we offer, the Assistive Technologies Coordinator is asked to help.
At the minimum, anyone approached should be able to make a proper referral (to the Coordinator for Services for Users
with Disabilities). If the user knows what they need, public services (Reference or Circulation) staff can direct them to
the equipment.
AV staff, Librarians, Support Services staff, Reserves staff, Circulation staff.
Circulation and reference staff, library security.
Computer Lab, Circulation staff, Reference staff.
Coordinator for services for users with disabilities provides primary service coordination. All library public services staff
assist users with disabilities.
Disabilities Coordinator and faculty/staff at the Information Desk as necessary.
I believe there is a responsibility for all staff to either assist users with disabilities or to identify who can provide the
needed services.
It depends on the service that needs to be provided (access, research). All staff that provides public service are expected
to assist users with disabilities.
Learning Commons Coordinator, Learning Commons Supervisors and student staff. (There is an Assistive Technologies
Specialist employed by the Office of Information Technologies who is available to assist as well).
One librarian serves as the Coordinator of the Assistive Technology Center. She has significant other duties as well.
Other staff that are expected to assist include Circulation staff, Reference staff, Copy Center staff and Interlibrary
Services staff.
Public Service Staff and library faculty.
Public services staff Reference services librarians.
Reference staff and Circulation Services staff.
Reference staff and Circulation staff.
Reference staff and Visitor Services Office staff (including VSO volunteers).
Reference, Media, and Access Services.
Stacks Management staff and student proctors. Reference librarians have limited responsibilities.
The Coordinator of Library Services for Persons with Disabilities and her scanning technician have primary responsibility
and staff an assistive technology laboratory in the library.
The multimedia center staff.