SPEC Kit 321: Services for Users with Disabilities · 29
Tactile keyboards with raised indicators are available.
Windows and Mac platforms available.
8. What other specialized equipment is available in the library for users with disabilities? Check all
that apply. N=45
Desktop Video magnifier or CCTV 38 84%
Small Magnifier (pocket/portable) 20 44%
Digital voice recorder 14 31%
Other equipment 18 40%
Please specify the other specialized equipment that is available for users with disabilities.
Braille printer black erase board.
Braille printer.
BrailleWindow, Juliet Braille Embosser, Duxbury Braille Translator, Wrist Wizard, Kurzweil 3000.
Daisy player, 4 track tape recorders.
Daisy Player, Cassette Player.
Desk mounted, illuminated magnifier.
Digital voice recorders available in Student Multimedia Design Center to all students, faculty and staff to check out.
Keyboard stickers in Braille and large print Library of Congress talking book player.
Large lighted magnifier 8 track tape players, manual Brailler.
Reading Edge reading machine, closed circuit TV monitor, large screen monitors, four track sound recorder, magnifying
screen, and Braille typewriter.
SARA -Reading machine, Braille writer.
Scanner attached to disability workstation.
Sorenson Videophone (for sign language).
Talking calculators, large calculators, Kurzweil 3000 USB, portable CCTV.
Topaz Desktop Magnifiers and Sapphire Portable Video Magnifiers.
TTY Telephone Brailler and Braille printer, also Duxbury software for Braille translation.
Video Eye videophone MS optical mouse Braille embosser &Duxbury software.
Tactile keyboards with raised indicators are available.
Windows and Mac platforms available.
8. What other specialized equipment is available in the library for users with disabilities? Check all
that apply. N=45
Desktop Video magnifier or CCTV 38 84%
Small Magnifier (pocket/portable) 20 44%
Digital voice recorder 14 31%
Other equipment 18 40%
Please specify the other specialized equipment that is available for users with disabilities.
Braille printer black erase board.
Braille printer.
BrailleWindow, Juliet Braille Embosser, Duxbury Braille Translator, Wrist Wizard, Kurzweil 3000.
Daisy player, 4 track tape recorders.
Daisy Player, Cassette Player.
Desk mounted, illuminated magnifier.
Digital voice recorders available in Student Multimedia Design Center to all students, faculty and staff to check out.
Keyboard stickers in Braille and large print Library of Congress talking book player.
Large lighted magnifier 8 track tape players, manual Brailler.
Reading Edge reading machine, closed circuit TV monitor, large screen monitors, four track sound recorder, magnifying
screen, and Braille typewriter.
SARA -Reading machine, Braille writer.
Scanner attached to disability workstation.
Sorenson Videophone (for sign language).
Talking calculators, large calculators, Kurzweil 3000 USB, portable CCTV.
Topaz Desktop Magnifiers and Sapphire Portable Video Magnifiers.
TTY Telephone Brailler and Braille printer, also Duxbury software for Braille translation.
Video Eye videophone MS optical mouse Braille embosser &Duxbury software.