children to create original books of poetry and art that are published in print and digital form. The aim of the CLP
is to encourage literacy, foster educational success, and increase self-esteem for children and teens in the metro
Detroit community. The project provides K-12 students with an opportunity to create and digitize their own written
and visual artistic work. Participating in the program allows students to develop their creative writing, information
literacy, and technology skills. It also provides a mentor relationship between the students and higher education
professionals. Each chapbook is registered with the Library of Congress and print copies remain at the Wayne State
University Library. Digital versions of the chapbooks reside at the following WSU Digital Projects Web site: http:// Students also learn presentation and performance skills in
preparation for the culmination of the project: a public poetry reading at Wayne State University. All of the program
activities are designed to reach Michigan Department of Education K-12 Benchmarks, increase self-esteem, and
create an atmosphere of supportive team building among students.
Michigan Go Local is a joint project of the National Library of Medicine and the Vera P. Shiffman Medical Library,
Wayne State University. Michigan Go Local is a directory of healthcare services and providers that serve the
residents of Michigan. This resource help Michigan residents: Find up-to-date information about healthcare
providers and services in their community Link to reliable health information about diseases and conditions
from medlineplus, a service of the National Library of Medicine Michigan Go Local currently has information on
more than 12,000 healthcare services and providers in the state of Michigan. Michigan Go Local was created and
is maintained by professional medical librarians. The services and providers included in the directory are carefully
selected using specific guidelines including: Provide health services to Michigan residents Healthcare services
and providers have proper credentials Contact information is current.
Job Shadow Day: Each February (on or around Groundhog’s Day) WSU libraries hosts over 100 students, grades 6
and above to learn about the profession of librarianship. The program in its eighth year, is run by librarians at Wayne
State and is a chance to encourage under represented groups to pursue careers in library professions.
Respondent 31
Special cooperative library program for library staff from the Western Public Library in Louisville.
Special medical and health sciences outreach program to the city and area population.
Respondent 32
Summer Sunset Lecture Series. This is a long standing series which offers two programs each summer highlighting
well know speakers in the areas of Library strength. Success is based on attendance and participant feedback.
Programs are videoed and available for checkout from the library. Check out of programs has indicated some
moderate success usually immediately following the presentations.
Native American Pathways Series: This series is approximately 10 years old and featured programs on a variety
of topics of interest to the Native American Community including health care, history, conservation, and literature.
Success is measured by attendance by students and UNM community.
New Mexico Office of the State Historian Scholars Program Lectures at the Center for Southwest Research.
This lecture series highlight research conducted by Scholars funded by the State Historian who have used resources
from the University Libraries and the Center for Southwest Research. Success has been based on attendance and
Respondent 33
The CIRLA grant
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