SPEC Kit 312: Public Engagement · 33
Please describe other Academic Departments or Programs.
Afro-American Studies, History
Alliance for Catholic Education has an annual program for teachers on campus and the libraries directly support
that effort.
Art &Art History Department
Art Department, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, various Asian studies centers, Academy for
Creative Media
Center for Great Plains Studies
College of Agriculture and the Entrepreneurship Business Information Network (EBIN)
College of Education (Children at Risk collaborative programs), Sociology Department: co-sponsorship of an
Immigration Conference
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
Cooperate with all faculties on relevant events.
Department of History, College of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, Native American Studies, UNM Press, and
Native American Studies School of Engineering
Departments of music, art, history, English, political science, botany, and natural resources and environmental
management as well as the university’s Friends of Music support group. We have also partnered with a number of
student organizations including OSU Rodeo Club, the OSU Rodeo Booster Association, the Student Union Activities
Board, and the OSU Botanical Society.
Engineering, History
English, Education and Women’s Studies departments University Art Galleries
English, Social Work, American Studies, Urban Planning, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Public
Health and Health Professions, Division of Athletics
Faculty of Arts: many departments, First Nations House of Learning, Asian Studies, Medicine, Sauder School of
Business, and others
ISTEC (Information Science and Technology Center), Liberal Arts &Creative Writing Program, Department of Art,
College of Business-Global Social &Sustainable Enterprise Program, CSU Extension
Many departments/schools and colleges: e.g., Public Health, Medical School, Medical Center, Nursing, College of
Literature, Science &Arts, and many more
Many specific departments on campus, e.g., Study-abroad, graphic design, Institute of the African Child, etc.
Our collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools is part of an initiative housed in the Astrophysics Department.
We also have partnered with the Astronomy Department and Fermi National Laboratory to provide public reference
services for a large astronomical dataset which the library is involved in archiving.
Pencil Partners International Baccalaureate programs Montessori School Meharry Medical College
Sports Management
Please describe other Academic Departments or Programs.
Afro-American Studies, History
Alliance for Catholic Education has an annual program for teachers on campus and the libraries directly support
that effort.
Art &Art History Department
Art Department, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, various Asian studies centers, Academy for
Creative Media
Center for Great Plains Studies
College of Agriculture and the Entrepreneurship Business Information Network (EBIN)
College of Education (Children at Risk collaborative programs), Sociology Department: co-sponsorship of an
Immigration Conference
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
Cooperate with all faculties on relevant events.
Department of History, College of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, Native American Studies, UNM Press, and
Native American Studies School of Engineering
Departments of music, art, history, English, political science, botany, and natural resources and environmental
management as well as the university’s Friends of Music support group. We have also partnered with a number of
student organizations including OSU Rodeo Club, the OSU Rodeo Booster Association, the Student Union Activities
Board, and the OSU Botanical Society.
Engineering, History
English, Education and Women’s Studies departments University Art Galleries
English, Social Work, American Studies, Urban Planning, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Public
Health and Health Professions, Division of Athletics
Faculty of Arts: many departments, First Nations House of Learning, Asian Studies, Medicine, Sauder School of
Business, and others
ISTEC (Information Science and Technology Center), Liberal Arts &Creative Writing Program, Department of Art,
College of Business-Global Social &Sustainable Enterprise Program, CSU Extension
Many departments/schools and colleges: e.g., Public Health, Medical School, Medical Center, Nursing, College of
Literature, Science &Arts, and many more
Many specific departments on campus, e.g., Study-abroad, graphic design, Institute of the African Child, etc.
Our collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools is part of an initiative housed in the Astrophysics Department.
We also have partnered with the Astronomy Department and Fermi National Laboratory to provide public reference
services for a large astronomical dataset which the library is involved in archiving.
Pencil Partners International Baccalaureate programs Montessori School Meharry Medical College
Sports Management