SPEC Kit 312: Public Engagement · 29
Please describe other library services or collections.
All services and resources are available to on campus users who participate in these activities.
Archival and Special Collections resources
BC history and literature humanities &social sciences information science and engineering information maps
information webcasts author events community events related to Aboriginal and Asian events and performances
art exhibits music performances virtual exhibits consortia programs (many), etc.
Diversity group conducts 8–10 diversity celebrations each year.
Expertise in manuscripts and archives consulting and procedures
Local residents (Evanston, Illinois) may purchase borrowing privileges for a modest fee.
Oklahoma Oral History Research Program Special Collections &University Archives including the Women’s Archives
at OSU.
Osher Life Long Learning Institute
Preservation assistance
Preservation of home movies
Proactive sharing of library tutorials with other libraries
Scholarworks @umass Amherst, the library’s digital repository, is the central site for public engagement activities to
showcase the results of their scholarly activity.
Special Collections
Special Collections
Special Collections and Archives
Special Collections events (speaker for lectures and exhibits), Preservation workshops, Reference &Information
Services (Backup for State Virtual Reference Service), Continuing Education: Lehigh Valley and Berks do instructional
design in support of continuing education.
The university’s main research library, the Eisenhower Library, is open to the public, as are many of its special
libraries. Borrowing privileges at several are also available for a fee.
We staff the building and maintenance of a K-12 digital library as part of a partnership with the Chicago Public
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