22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
5. If you are in an academic institution, does your university support faculty who are pursuing the
Scholarship of Engagement? For example, is funding or a sabbatical offered, is it considered in
promotion/tenure criteria, is support articulated in university mission or other documents? N=40
Yes 25 63%
No 15 37%
If yes, please describe that support.
Awards are given: Alumni Education Award Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor Award defining
desirable traits of university faculty members to include “service to...society at large.” Student awards and honors
include Ingram Scholarship, honor scholarships.
Community engagement is encouraged. Funding is available through endowment.
Considered in promotion and tenure and articulated in documents. Some financial support provided depends on
Considered in promotion and tenure, funding on a limited basis for research and sabbaticals.
For some positions, service to the community is a factor in promotion. It is not considered for research and most
teaching positions.
It exists throughout the university as part of mission and goals.
Part of promotion and tenure includes “service” to the university and larger community. The library does not support
sabbaticals through its own funding. Library faculty, like all university faculty, can apply for a sabbatical in which
public engagement can be a focus of the proposal.
Small grants are awarded by the institution.
Tenure and promotion requirements include Service as required as part of tenure/promotion review.
The Office of Outreach and the Faculty Senate University Service, Public Service and Outreach Council collaborate
extensively on strategies for supporting the quality, value, and visibility of university engagement, providing essential
leadership through university administration and faculty governance. Support is provided through awards, program
innovation funds, and program and faculty development.
The promotion and tenure criteria make specific mention of public engagement as do the university’s mission
statement and supporting documents.
The required cover sheet for the annual appraisal and development review for all faculty includes a section on
the type of outreach activities that are to be reported on and documented. All six of the example activities could
be undertaken as public engagement activities. Criteria for contributions to the mission and vision of the library
and the university stated in the Library’s Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Cumulative Review Handbook
include examples of public engagement activities. (Each college or academic unit develops its own handbook for
this process which is approved by the Provost. So while there is not an overall institutional handbook with criteria,
the library’s criteria are not peculiar in regard to public engagement activities.) Some colleges (Agricultural &
5. If you are in an academic institution, does your university support faculty who are pursuing the
Scholarship of Engagement? For example, is funding or a sabbatical offered, is it considered in
promotion/tenure criteria, is support articulated in university mission or other documents? N=40
Yes 25 63%
No 15 37%
If yes, please describe that support.
Awards are given: Alumni Education Award Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor Award defining
desirable traits of university faculty members to include “service to...society at large.” Student awards and honors
include Ingram Scholarship, honor scholarships.
Community engagement is encouraged. Funding is available through endowment.
Considered in promotion and tenure and articulated in documents. Some financial support provided depends on
Considered in promotion and tenure, funding on a limited basis for research and sabbaticals.
For some positions, service to the community is a factor in promotion. It is not considered for research and most
teaching positions.
It exists throughout the university as part of mission and goals.
Part of promotion and tenure includes “service” to the university and larger community. The library does not support
sabbaticals through its own funding. Library faculty, like all university faculty, can apply for a sabbatical in which
public engagement can be a focus of the proposal.
Small grants are awarded by the institution.
Tenure and promotion requirements include Service as required as part of tenure/promotion review.
The Office of Outreach and the Faculty Senate University Service, Public Service and Outreach Council collaborate
extensively on strategies for supporting the quality, value, and visibility of university engagement, providing essential
leadership through university administration and faculty governance. Support is provided through awards, program
innovation funds, and program and faculty development.
The promotion and tenure criteria make specific mention of public engagement as do the university’s mission
statement and supporting documents.
The required cover sheet for the annual appraisal and development review for all faculty includes a section on
the type of outreach activities that are to be reported on and documented. All six of the example activities could
be undertaken as public engagement activities. Criteria for contributions to the mission and vision of the library
and the university stated in the Library’s Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Cumulative Review Handbook
include examples of public engagement activities. (Each college or academic unit develops its own handbook for
this process which is approved by the Provost. So while there is not an overall institutional handbook with criteria,
the library’s criteria are not peculiar in regard to public engagement activities.) Some colleges (Agricultural &