SPEC Kit 312: Public Engagement · 47
Speaker series, Civil Rights Photographic collection (Rabin), Community Holocaust Survivors Center, Coal &Coke
Heritage Center, Behrend Family Archives Collection, Office of Disability Services has received university grants for
outreach Libraries received a grant from state to bring in specialized archives training from the Society for American
Archivists for small, regional, archives in Central Pennsylvania.
The Libraries and Homewood Museum was awarded grant funding from the Kress Foundation for a 2008
symposium and exhibition celebrating the 500th anniversary of the birth of renaissance architect Palladio.
The Library has submitted some grant proposals to NEH, NSF, etc. To do specific digital project for our K-12 ecuip
Digital Library. Most of the grant support, however, has been submitted by our partners.
Various display tours
Volunteer Voices: State wide digitization project that provides access to primary sources that document Tennessee
History and Culture. Ready for the World Grant: University grant for a program highlighting the social justice work of
the Highlander Center helped create a traveling exhibit.
We have received small grants from ALA to support a book discussion series, as well as LSTA funds to support
cultural programming.
We received a grant from ALA for public programming to pay for a traveling exhibition.
23. Has your library engaged in fundraising activities aimed at supporting public engagement
programs? N=45
Yes 13 29%
No 32 71%
If yes, please list examples of events, publications, and other fundraising activities pursued.
Amigos, Friends of the Libraries
Author programs, lectures, seminars, exhibits, fundraiser dinners
Exhibitions, public lectures
James McPherson Civil War lecture conducted in conjunction with development public awareness program.
Most recently, the library hosted an event for a book release, and engaged in fund raising to support the reception
costs. However, public programs are not the largest focus of Development.
Pennsylvania Center for the Book
Public lecture programs in the history of medicine funding to digitize and make available via the Web extensive
collection of Frank Lloyd Wright photographs digitizing and Web availability of student newspapers
The Library Associates support many of our programs.
Speaker series, Civil Rights Photographic collection (Rabin), Community Holocaust Survivors Center, Coal &Coke
Heritage Center, Behrend Family Archives Collection, Office of Disability Services has received university grants for
outreach Libraries received a grant from state to bring in specialized archives training from the Society for American
Archivists for small, regional, archives in Central Pennsylvania.
The Libraries and Homewood Museum was awarded grant funding from the Kress Foundation for a 2008
symposium and exhibition celebrating the 500th anniversary of the birth of renaissance architect Palladio.
The Library has submitted some grant proposals to NEH, NSF, etc. To do specific digital project for our K-12 ecuip
Digital Library. Most of the grant support, however, has been submitted by our partners.
Various display tours
Volunteer Voices: State wide digitization project that provides access to primary sources that document Tennessee
History and Culture. Ready for the World Grant: University grant for a program highlighting the social justice work of
the Highlander Center helped create a traveling exhibit.
We have received small grants from ALA to support a book discussion series, as well as LSTA funds to support
cultural programming.
We received a grant from ALA for public programming to pay for a traveling exhibition.
23. Has your library engaged in fundraising activities aimed at supporting public engagement
programs? N=45
Yes 13 29%
No 32 71%
If yes, please list examples of events, publications, and other fundraising activities pursued.
Amigos, Friends of the Libraries
Author programs, lectures, seminars, exhibits, fundraiser dinners
Exhibitions, public lectures
James McPherson Civil War lecture conducted in conjunction with development public awareness program.
Most recently, the library hosted an event for a book release, and engaged in fund raising to support the reception
costs. However, public programs are not the largest focus of Development.
Pennsylvania Center for the Book
Public lecture programs in the history of medicine funding to digitize and make available via the Web extensive
collection of Frank Lloyd Wright photographs digitizing and Web availability of student newspapers
The Library Associates support many of our programs.