16 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
Digital Reference Service: The Research Impli-
cations of the Government Information Online
Project,” The Library Quarterly 78, no. 4: 459–66
Kenneth Burhanna and Mary Lee Jensen, 2006,
“Collaborations for Success: High School to
College Transitions,” Reference Services Review
34, no. 4: 509–19.
6. Tina Schneider, 2003, “Outreach: Why, How,
and Who?: Academic Libraries and their
Involvement in the Community,” The Reference
Librarian, no. 82: 199–213.
7. David J. Weerts and Lorilee R. Sandmann,
2008, “Building a Two-Way Street: Challenges
and Opportunities for Community Engage-
ment at Research Universities,” Review of
Higher Education 32, no. 1: 73–106.
8. School of Architecture, College of Fine and
Applied Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 2007, “East St. Louis Action
Research Project (ESLARP),” http://www.
(accessed July 8, 2009) Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Public Engagement, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, “Pub-
lic Engagement,” http://engagement.illinois.
edu/ (accessed July 8, 2009).
9. Ward, Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of
Engagement Clearinghouse and National Re-
view Board for the Scholarship of Engagement,
n.d., “The Scholarship of Engagement Online,”
(accessed July 19, 2009).
10. Tamara Lee and Claudine Jenda, The Role of
ARL Libraries in Extension/Outreach SPEC Kit
233 (Washington, DC: Association of Research
Libraries, August 1998).
11. Nancy Courtney, ed., Academic Library Out-
reach: Beyond the Campus Walls (Westport, CT:
Libraries Unlimited, 2009).
12. Public programming, while perhaps not fully
representative of the emerging understanding
of “engagement,” was an especially fruitful
field for responses, with libraries reporting an
array of exhibits, book discussions, speaker
series, colloquia, and film series. A review of
previous SPEC Kit titles does not show any
recent study focused on public programming
in ARL member libraries, and this may be a
valuable topic for future study.
13. For an earlier discussion of these opportunities,
see, for example: Louise G. Glogoff and Stuart
Glogoff, 1998, “Using the World Wide Web
for Community Outreach: Enriching Library
Service to the Community,” Internet Reference
Services Quarterly 3, no. 1: 15–26.
14. Preservation Working Group at the University
of Illinois, 2009, “Heirlooms, Artifacts, &Fam-
ily Treasures: A 2009 Preservation Emporium,”
rium-at-the-spurloc/ (accessed July 19, 2009).
15. On the challenge of building a sustainable ap-
proach to a public engagement initiative as a
core academic library service, see, for example:
Kenneth J. Burhanna, 2007, “Instructional
Outreach to High Schools: Should You Be Do-
ing It?,” Communications in Information Literacy
1, no. 2, http://www.comminfolit.org/index.
php/cil/article/view/Fall2007AR3/52 (ac-
cessed July 19, 2009).
16. Eric Novotny, Reference Service Statistics and
Assessment SPEC Kit 268 (Washington, DC:
Association of Research Libraries, September
2002), 9.
Digital Reference Service: The Research Impli-
cations of the Government Information Online
Project,” The Library Quarterly 78, no. 4: 459–66
Kenneth Burhanna and Mary Lee Jensen, 2006,
“Collaborations for Success: High School to
College Transitions,” Reference Services Review
34, no. 4: 509–19.
6. Tina Schneider, 2003, “Outreach: Why, How,
and Who?: Academic Libraries and their
Involvement in the Community,” The Reference
Librarian, no. 82: 199–213.
7. David J. Weerts and Lorilee R. Sandmann,
2008, “Building a Two-Way Street: Challenges
and Opportunities for Community Engage-
ment at Research Universities,” Review of
Higher Education 32, no. 1: 73–106.
8. School of Architecture, College of Fine and
Applied Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 2007, “East St. Louis Action
Research Project (ESLARP),” http://www.
(accessed July 8, 2009) Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Public Engagement, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, “Pub-
lic Engagement,” http://engagement.illinois.
edu/ (accessed July 8, 2009).
9. Ward, Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of
Engagement Clearinghouse and National Re-
view Board for the Scholarship of Engagement,
n.d., “The Scholarship of Engagement Online,”
(accessed July 19, 2009).
10. Tamara Lee and Claudine Jenda, The Role of
ARL Libraries in Extension/Outreach SPEC Kit
233 (Washington, DC: Association of Research
Libraries, August 1998).
11. Nancy Courtney, ed., Academic Library Out-
reach: Beyond the Campus Walls (Westport, CT:
Libraries Unlimited, 2009).
12. Public programming, while perhaps not fully
representative of the emerging understanding
of “engagement,” was an especially fruitful
field for responses, with libraries reporting an
array of exhibits, book discussions, speaker
series, colloquia, and film series. A review of
previous SPEC Kit titles does not show any
recent study focused on public programming
in ARL member libraries, and this may be a
valuable topic for future study.
13. For an earlier discussion of these opportunities,
see, for example: Louise G. Glogoff and Stuart
Glogoff, 1998, “Using the World Wide Web
for Community Outreach: Enriching Library
Service to the Community,” Internet Reference
Services Quarterly 3, no. 1: 15–26.
14. Preservation Working Group at the University
of Illinois, 2009, “Heirlooms, Artifacts, &Fam-
ily Treasures: A 2009 Preservation Emporium,”
rium-at-the-spurloc/ (accessed July 19, 2009).
15. On the challenge of building a sustainable ap-
proach to a public engagement initiative as a
core academic library service, see, for example:
Kenneth J. Burhanna, 2007, “Instructional
Outreach to High Schools: Should You Be Do-
ing It?,” Communications in Information Literacy
1, no. 2, http://www.comminfolit.org/index.
php/cil/article/view/Fall2007AR3/52 (ac-
cessed July 19, 2009).
16. Eric Novotny, Reference Service Statistics and
Assessment SPEC Kit 268 (Washington, DC:
Association of Research Libraries, September
2002), 9.