60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Comments N=9
Accessibility across the university is receiving significant attention with a new university wide group founded in the past
Accessibility is considered but is not overriding. LC does not have “faculty” but our primary customers, members and
staff of US Congress, serve the same role in determining how resources are spent.
Accessibility relates to delivery mechanism, not acquisition of special collections materials.
Accessibility will be a higher priority in the future.
Metadata quality is also a high priority criteria.
Most of the existing stats on use are incomplete and difficult to use (ARTstor being the exception.)
Presence of descriptive metadata is becoming an important criteria. We have acquired too many undescribed images in
the past.
These criteria mainly apply to commercial databases for locally created databases, most important are *expected* use/
demand, difficulty/cost, cleared copyright, subject area (Image quality is presumably under our control).
We have found that image collections serve departments/disciplines outside of projected use.
27. Please indicate how important each of the following digital image collection characteristics is for
teaching, learning, and research at your institution. Please select one choice per row. N=74
Characteristics High Medium Low N
Ease of use (i.e., incorporating images into presentations, course websites, etc.) 50 20 4 74
Having all the images online in one place 27 32 15 74
Ability to integrate images with other media 15 38 21 74
Having access to a large database of images 54 16 3 73
Having rights to use images in websites, course sites 33 30 10 73
Availability of technical assistance 22 32 19 73
Ability to integrate images from several sources 20 34 19 73
Having rights to use images in publications 19 36 18 73
Having image alt text/captions to provide accessibility 14 21 37 72
Total Responses 69 71 56 74
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