32 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Office of Information Technology
Records Management
The Department of Arts and Sciences has negotiated on licensed collections for us and we work with PASCAL
(Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) within the state.
The library owns commercial collections that the university’s Art Department makes accessible through its image
delivery site (MDID).
The Office of Fair Practices &Legal Affairs is involved in negotiating agreements. Faculty of Dentistry is digitizing images
from slides.
Student newspaper, University Communications, and academic department published content.
University Archives
University Counsel is also consulted in negotiating rights agreements in certain cases. The Visual Resources Center in
the Sam Fox School of Art also digitizes analog images.
University departments (2 responses)
University of California’s California Digital Library (CDL) California Museum of Photography Strategic Communications
Athletics Associated Students. CDL coordinates licensing for UC-wide resources the other units may create images and
negotiate licenses with individuals.
University Photo and Imaging Services provides support in digitizing images Initiative with community (Southside
Initiatives) provides support in identifying images for digitization.
University Relations
University’s Media and Marketing Department
Various colleges on campus, the university’s PR operations, and our university foundation.
Various units provide born-digital images on an informal basis. There are no formal agreements about how these
acquisitions are handled.
Visual Resources Center in Fine Arts Department is digitizing slide collection. Office of Communications and Marketing
creates born digital images.
Visual Resources Collection, Department of Art &Art History
6. Does your library collaborate with other units in your institution to manage digital images? N=81
Yes 46 57%
No 35 43%
Office of Information Technology
Records Management
The Department of Arts and Sciences has negotiated on licensed collections for us and we work with PASCAL
(Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) within the state.
The library owns commercial collections that the university’s Art Department makes accessible through its image
delivery site (MDID).
The Office of Fair Practices &Legal Affairs is involved in negotiating agreements. Faculty of Dentistry is digitizing images
from slides.
Student newspaper, University Communications, and academic department published content.
University Archives
University Counsel is also consulted in negotiating rights agreements in certain cases. The Visual Resources Center in
the Sam Fox School of Art also digitizes analog images.
University departments (2 responses)
University of California’s California Digital Library (CDL) California Museum of Photography Strategic Communications
Athletics Associated Students. CDL coordinates licensing for UC-wide resources the other units may create images and
negotiate licenses with individuals.
University Photo and Imaging Services provides support in digitizing images Initiative with community (Southside
Initiatives) provides support in identifying images for digitization.
University Relations
University’s Media and Marketing Department
Various colleges on campus, the university’s PR operations, and our university foundation.
Various units provide born-digital images on an informal basis. There are no formal agreements about how these
acquisitions are handled.
Visual Resources Center in Fine Arts Department is digitizing slide collection. Office of Communications and Marketing
creates born digital images.
Visual Resources Collection, Department of Art &Art History
6. Does your library collaborate with other units in your institution to manage digital images? N=81
Yes 46 57%
No 35 43%