SPEC Kit 335: Digital Image Collections and Services · 181
Preservation Plan for Digital Images
Preservation -UA Libraries Digital Services Planning and Documentation
http://www.lib.ua.edu/wiki/digcoll/index.php/Preservation[8/7/13 10:45:28 AM]
This page was last modified 13:05, 25 June 2013. This page has been accessed 2,685 times. Privacy policy About UA
Libraries Digital Services Planning and Documentation Disclaimers
3. The definition of obsolescence used in these statements is that in which the approved computer
systems and software on the University of Alabama Library computers can no longer render viable
access to the content in the file without emulation services.
Long Term Retention
1. Digital content will be named according to our file naming scheme and organized according to our
file storage scheme on our storage server.
Local Backups
1. The storage system is covered by a weekly full backup and daily differential backups. The weekly
full backup is duplicated, and a copy is sent offsite, with at least a two-month rolling backup
Descriptive Metadata
1. Up to 2 versions of descriptive metadata will be stored, the original and the most recent. Captures
will be made quarterly from the delivery software web directories. If the metadata found there is
more recent than what is stored, it will be placed in the archive. Version 2 of each metadata file
will be overwritten with each new capture.
Our current preservation Network is [The Alabama Digital Preservation Network ]
Organization of completed content for long-term storage
File Naming and Linking for LOCKSS
Preservation Plan for Digital Images
Preservation -UA Libraries Digital Services Planning and Documentation
http://www.lib.ua.edu/wiki/digcoll/index.php/Preservation[8/7/13 10:45:28 AM]
This page was last modified 13:05, 25 June 2013. This page has been accessed 2,685 times. Privacy policy About UA
Libraries Digital Services Planning and Documentation Disclaimers
3. The definition of obsolescence used in these statements is that in which the approved computer
systems and software on the University of Alabama Library computers can no longer render viable
access to the content in the file without emulation services.
Long Term Retention
1. Digital content will be named according to our file naming scheme and organized according to our
file storage scheme on our storage server.
Local Backups
1. The storage system is covered by a weekly full backup and daily differential backups. The weekly
full backup is duplicated, and a copy is sent offsite, with at least a two-month rolling backup
Descriptive Metadata
1. Up to 2 versions of descriptive metadata will be stored, the original and the most recent. Captures
will be made quarterly from the delivery software web directories. If the metadata found there is
more recent than what is stored, it will be placed in the archive. Version 2 of each metadata file
will be overwritten with each new capture.
Our current preservation Network is [The Alabama Digital Preservation Network ]
Organization of completed content for long-term storage
File Naming and Linking for LOCKSS