48 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Real archival finding aids
Special Collections registers
Special Collections units use Archon to deliver finding aids. The Modern Graphic History Library has the largest digital
image collection of the Special Collections units.
Summon allows discovery of ARTstor content.
Video links in CMS
We have a database of over a 1400 EAD finding aids online and full text searchable. 286 of these finding aids contain
links to almost 55,000 digitized items.
Working on a finding aids database with EAD marked up finding aids.
14. What method of instruction/training is provided for the use of digital image databases/resources
at your library? Check all that apply. N=75
Web pages provided by the library/visual resources staff 59 79%
Workshops provided by the library/visual resources staff 52 69%
Web pages provided by licensed image database provider 39 52%
Web based tutorials provided by licensed image database provider 28 37%
Web based tutorials provided by the library/visual resources staff 18 24%
On-site training provided by licensed image database provider 14 19%
Other method of instruction/training 12 16%
If you selected “Other method of instruction/training” above, please briefly describe the method.
Art department staff train on use of ARTstor.
As needed
In-person reference desk activity. Also, some image use/locating instruction is provided in the course of in-person
bibliographic instruction.
Individual faculty and student consultations provided by image curator.
Instruction is part of a credit class, part of library instruction sessions, and one-on-one with users.
Invited class lectures/instruction sessions.
LibGuide: Finding images, Medical images
On demand services
One-on-one consultations with instructors upon request
Reference desk inquiries
Real archival finding aids
Special Collections registers
Special Collections units use Archon to deliver finding aids. The Modern Graphic History Library has the largest digital
image collection of the Special Collections units.
Summon allows discovery of ARTstor content.
Video links in CMS
We have a database of over a 1400 EAD finding aids online and full text searchable. 286 of these finding aids contain
links to almost 55,000 digitized items.
Working on a finding aids database with EAD marked up finding aids.
14. What method of instruction/training is provided for the use of digital image databases/resources
at your library? Check all that apply. N=75
Web pages provided by the library/visual resources staff 59 79%
Workshops provided by the library/visual resources staff 52 69%
Web pages provided by licensed image database provider 39 52%
Web based tutorials provided by licensed image database provider 28 37%
Web based tutorials provided by the library/visual resources staff 18 24%
On-site training provided by licensed image database provider 14 19%
Other method of instruction/training 12 16%
If you selected “Other method of instruction/training” above, please briefly describe the method.
Art department staff train on use of ARTstor.
As needed
In-person reference desk activity. Also, some image use/locating instruction is provided in the course of in-person
bibliographic instruction.
Individual faculty and student consultations provided by image curator.
Instruction is part of a credit class, part of library instruction sessions, and one-on-one with users.
Invited class lectures/instruction sessions.
LibGuide: Finding images, Medical images
On demand services
One-on-one consultations with instructors upon request
Reference desk inquiries