80 · ARL Statistics 2013–2014
Question Number Footnote
13.b Support staffing levels have been reduced due to retirements and other departures. Staffing
plans being evaluated during reorganization efforts.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Library and Law Library.
4 Demand by patrons and DDA programs increased our e-book share for 2013/2014.
7.b Increase in the cost of ongoing resources over 2012–13 was driven by price increases in
electronic serials.
10, 11 UCLA does not use official employee benefit rates for recording employee benefit expenditures.
UCLA employee benefit expenditures are recorded by the UCLA payroll system at the
individual employee level based on each employee’s eligibility for benefits and other criteria
that may impact the cost of one or more components of employee benefit expense. Year-to-year
increase in employee benefit expenditures is driven principally by the UC Regents mandated
increase in the employer contributions to the UC retirement plan.
20 Each year usage data collection improves for us and we are able to offer more specific data.
4 This figure includes 124,675 e-books that were omitted from last year’s data.
10 This figure includes the following: Employer contributions to OASDI, Medicare, workers
compensation insurance, employee support program, unemployment insurance, UC retirement
plan, vacation, assessment, staff recognition program, other post employment benefit,
health insurance, life insurance, UC paid disability, dental and vision plan premiums, senior
management supplement, etc.
Library branches included: Geisel Library, Biomedical Library Building, SIO Collection, and
4 Improved funding and opportunities allowed increased purchases of e-books, answering a
trend of increased demand for digital media.
7.a Improved budget/funding after a period of restrained allocations.
8.c, 13.c Improved budget/funding after a period of restrained allocations to student assistants, and
program directors in new roles began filling out their new department staffing.
10 Fringe benefits costs include: variable costs fixed costs, annuitant health/dental program
(including admin) dental plan, employee incentive award program, health plan, employee
support program, life insurance (employee paid), Medicare, non-industrial disability insurance,
OASDI vision plan, UC retirement plan, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation
12 For all UC libraries: Proportion of expenditures (campus and CDL co-invest portion)–SCAP
expenditures =$1,439,798 CDL expenditures continuing =$4,212,604 CDL expenditures
one-time =$1,693,188 TOTAL =$7,345,590. NOTE: Does not include memberships, scholarly
communication expenses, or expenses for shared-print.
14 Down over the past year because program directors in new roles began their new department
commitments: outreach is expected to increase again in the new FY.
15 Down because the number of instruction and outreach offerings decreased this year.
16 This number was down over last year: Suspected that there was some double-counting last year,
and this year reference transactions were consolidated across the library and reporting unified.
We expect stability over the next FY.
Question Number Footnote
13.b Support staffing levels have been reduced due to retirements and other departures. Staffing
plans being evaluated during reorganization efforts.
Library branches included: Health Sciences Library and Law Library.
4 Demand by patrons and DDA programs increased our e-book share for 2013/2014.
7.b Increase in the cost of ongoing resources over 2012–13 was driven by price increases in
electronic serials.
10, 11 UCLA does not use official employee benefit rates for recording employee benefit expenditures.
UCLA employee benefit expenditures are recorded by the UCLA payroll system at the
individual employee level based on each employee’s eligibility for benefits and other criteria
that may impact the cost of one or more components of employee benefit expense. Year-to-year
increase in employee benefit expenditures is driven principally by the UC Regents mandated
increase in the employer contributions to the UC retirement plan.
20 Each year usage data collection improves for us and we are able to offer more specific data.
4 This figure includes 124,675 e-books that were omitted from last year’s data.
10 This figure includes the following: Employer contributions to OASDI, Medicare, workers
compensation insurance, employee support program, unemployment insurance, UC retirement
plan, vacation, assessment, staff recognition program, other post employment benefit,
health insurance, life insurance, UC paid disability, dental and vision plan premiums, senior
management supplement, etc.
Library branches included: Geisel Library, Biomedical Library Building, SIO Collection, and
4 Improved funding and opportunities allowed increased purchases of e-books, answering a
trend of increased demand for digital media.
7.a Improved budget/funding after a period of restrained allocations.
8.c, 13.c Improved budget/funding after a period of restrained allocations to student assistants, and
program directors in new roles began filling out their new department staffing.
10 Fringe benefits costs include: variable costs fixed costs, annuitant health/dental program
(including admin) dental plan, employee incentive award program, health plan, employee
support program, life insurance (employee paid), Medicare, non-industrial disability insurance,
OASDI vision plan, UC retirement plan, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation
12 For all UC libraries: Proportion of expenditures (campus and CDL co-invest portion)–SCAP
expenditures =$1,439,798 CDL expenditures continuing =$4,212,604 CDL expenditures
one-time =$1,693,188 TOTAL =$7,345,590. NOTE: Does not include memberships, scholarly
communication expenses, or expenses for shared-print.
14 Down over the past year because program directors in new roles began their new department
commitments: outreach is expected to increase again in the new FY.
15 Down because the number of instruction and outreach offerings decreased this year.
16 This number was down over last year: Suspected that there was some double-counting last year,
and this year reference transactions were consolidated across the library and reporting unified.
We expect stability over the next FY.