Footnotes · 111
Question Number Footnote
RICE cont.
10 Fringe benefits include: group hospital and life insurance, employer’s share of FICA, workers’
compensation insurance, tuition waivers, retirement contributions, unemployment taxes, and
short-term disability costs.
11 Percentage is for staff. Student percentage is 1.5%.
14, 15 Decrease due to preparation for renovation in areas offering instruction.
17 Decrease follows national trends.
27, 29 Increase due to shifting university practice.
Library branches included: Eastman School of Music Sibley Library.
1 Includes Edward G. Miner (Medical) Library.
2 Does not include Edward G. Miner (Medical) Library. Decline in the number of volumes due to
withdrawals from the collection.
3 387,752 print volumes determined by physical count.
4 Includes Edward G. Miner (Medical) Library. Increase in the number of e-books represents
purchase of several e-book packages.
7.a Increase due in part to the purchase of e-journal backfiles.
7.c Decrease due to reduction in the number of journals bound.
8.c Fewer students hired in fiscal year ending 06/30/2014.
9 Includes facilities revitalization plan expense, PL&N focus consulting, public use equipment for
four years replacement cycle, and off-site facility.
11 31% for professional staff, 37.30% for support staff.
14.a 125 based on sampling.
15.a 2,500 based on sampling.
16.a Largely based on sampling.
18 Includes Edward G. Miner (Medical) Library. Included are journals from MA Liebert, BMJ, ACS,
Cambridge, IEEE, IOP, Sage, ScienceDirect, Springer, Wiley, Highwire Press, JSTOR, and Project
19 Includes Edward G. Miner (Medical) Library. Databases include CINAHL, Ovid Medline, Ovid
PsycINFO, Proquest, EBSCOhost, and Gale Cengage.
Library branches included: The aggregated institution-level totals in this publication include
Newark Law Library, Camden Law Library, and campuses in Camden, Newark, and New
Brunswick. Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) is a newly-created campus at
Rutgers, due to the integration of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
(UMDNJ). Therefore, these figures now also include RBHS. RBHS libraries include the George F.
Smith Library in Newark and the Robert Wood Johnson Library in New Brunswick.
2, 6, 7, 7.b, 13–13.b,
14–16, 25–29
Increase due to integration of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ),
now known as the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS).
7.a One time expenditures decreased due to budget cuts and more focused spending on online
resources accessible to the entire university community.
7.c Includes $74,816.85 for shipping costs and $18,457.98 for binding costs.
8–8.b Significant increase due to merger with UMDNJ and small salary increases.
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