72 · ARL Statistics 2013–2014
8. Total Salaries and Wages (8a +8b +8c)
(Exclude fringe benefits Report fringe benefits in question 10) (8)
8a. Professional staff (exclude fringe benefits) (8a)
8b. Support staff (exclude fringe benefits) (8b)
8c. Student assistants (exclude fringe benefits) (8c)
9. Other operating expenditures (9)
FRINGE BENEFITS (Provide a detailed footnote on what this includes)
10. Fringe benefits (10)
11. Official designated percent (11)
12. Consortia/Networks/Bibliographic Utilities Expenditures
from External Sources (12)
PERSONNEL (Round figures to nearest whole number)
13. Total Staff FTE (13a +13b +13c) (13)
13a. Professional staff, FTE (13a)
13b. Support staff, FTE (13b)
13c. Student assistants, FTE (13c)
14. Number of library presentations to groups (14)
14a. Is the library presentations figure based on sampling? (14a) Yes No
15. Number of total participants in group presentations reported
in line 14 (15)
15a. Is the total participants in group presentations figure based on sampling?
(15a)_______Yes _______No
16. Number of reference transactions (16)
16a. Is the reference transactions figure based on sampling? (16a) Yes No
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

72 · ARL Statistics 2013–2014
8. Total Salaries and Wages (8a +8b +8c)
(Exclude fringe benefits Report fringe benefits in question 10) (8)
8a. Professional staff (exclude fringe benefits) (8a)
8b. Support staff (exclude fringe benefits) (8b)
8c. Student assistants (exclude fringe benefits) (8c)
9. Other operating expenditures (9)
FRINGE BENEFITS (Provide a detailed footnote on what this includes)
10. Fringe benefits (10)
11. Official designated percent (11)
12. Consortia/Networks/Bibliographic Utilities Expenditures
from External Sources (12)
PERSONNEL (Round figures to nearest whole number)
13. Total Staff FTE (13a +13b +13c) (13)
13a. Professional staff, FTE (13a)
13b. Support staff, FTE (13b)
13c. Student assistants, FTE (13c)
14. Number of library presentations to groups (14)
14a. Is the library presentations figure based on sampling? (14a) Yes No
15. Number of total participants in group presentations reported
in line 14 (15)
15a. Is the total participants in group presentations figure based on sampling?
(15a)_______Yes _______No
16. Number of reference transactions (16)
16a. Is the reference transactions figure based on sampling? (16a) Yes No

