Footnotes · 107
Question Number Footnote
OHIO cont.
12 OhioLINK–cost factor 22.67 per FTE (total FTE 31,910). Total based on Ohio Board of Regents FY
2012–2013 report “Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment at Ohio Public Institutions in Fiscal Years
14, 15 Beginning in FY 2014, approximately 150 ENG151 library instruction sessions were
discontinued. This accounts for approximately 3,000 fewer participants in FY 2014.
18 OhioLINK EJC is not COUNTER but is included also includes Springer, Highwire, Ovid,
JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Cambridge, Wiley, and T&F.
19 Suspect that previous EBSCOHost numbers were incorrect causing the reason for the drop also
includes ebrary, ISI, LexisNexis, Newsbank, Ovid, JSTOR, and Elsevier (Compendex, Geobase,
and ScienceDirect).
20 EBSCO only suspect that previous numbers were incorrect.
23 2012–2013 number reported on last year’s statistics in error (should have been 246). Source year
correctly reported this year.
24 Previous years included only PhD programs. Added 1 AuD, 2 DPT, 1 EdD, 1 DO.
27, 29 27% increase in number of P-T Master’s degree enrollment, 6.8% P-T PhD enrollment.
Library branches included: Architecture Biological Sciences/Pharmacy Cartoon Research
Geology Health Sciences Fine Arts Food, Agriculture ,and Environmental Sciences Law
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Library 18th Avenue Library Thompson
(Main) Library University Archives Veterinary Medicine Agricultural Technical Institute and
Regional Campus Libraries at Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark.
1, 2 Recent focus on special purchases of retrospective content.
4 Intentional focus on purchasing e-books. Ramp up of Google e-book scanning project. Also
includes electronic theses and dissertations.
7.a, 7.b Higher expenditures due to spending down cash reserve.
7.c Ackerman rental now paid under materials funding collection support.
9 Prior year included two major renovation projects.
13.a ARL does not define “professional staff.” In recent years, Libraries has included all individuals
in the A&P classification. After a review of current practice, a decision was made to focus our
response more narrowly. Count and FTE pulled as of 9/1 to align with ARL Salary Survey.
13.c Student assistant count taken as of September 1, which is in line with the ARL Salary Survey
and more reflective of the student assistant headcount during academic semesters.
14, 15 Focused on having greater attendance at available presentations. Although total presentations
went down, total participants increased significantly.
16 Faculty retirements and issues with transaction recording influenced this change.
18 Consisted of data from COUNTER JR1 report as well as EJC downloads, which are not
COUNTER compliant.
19 Number of regular searches (databases) was up approximately 4%, which can be attributed to
the large number of database purchases made during the year.
20 Includes databases and platforms that provided this metric in COUNTER or platform reports
(DB1, DB#, BR6, PR1). At this point only one database provides federated searches as such.
22 The CIRC numbers for requests filled for our users from other libraries INCLUDES Columbus
Metro Library checkouts, which we have not included in the past. These numbers represent a
significant portion (18,167) of materials provided to our users.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

Footnotes · 107
Question Number Footnote
OHIO cont.
12 OhioLINK–cost factor 22.67 per FTE (total FTE 31,910). Total based on Ohio Board of Regents FY
2012–2013 report “Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment at Ohio Public Institutions in Fiscal Years
14, 15 Beginning in FY 2014, approximately 150 ENG151 library instruction sessions were
discontinued. This accounts for approximately 3,000 fewer participants in FY 2014.
18 OhioLINK EJC is not COUNTER but is included also includes Springer, Highwire, Ovid,
JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Cambridge, Wiley, and T&F.
19 Suspect that previous EBSCOHost numbers were incorrect causing the reason for the drop also
includes ebrary, ISI, LexisNexis, Newsbank, Ovid, JSTOR, and Elsevier (Compendex, Geobase,
and ScienceDirect).
20 EBSCO only suspect that previous numbers were incorrect.
23 2012–2013 number reported on last year’s statistics in error (should have been 246). Source year
correctly reported this year.
24 Previous years included only PhD programs. Added 1 AuD, 2 DPT, 1 EdD, 1 DO.
27, 29 27% increase in number of P-T Master’s degree enrollment, 6.8% P-T PhD enrollment.
Library branches included: Architecture Biological Sciences/Pharmacy Cartoon Research
Geology Health Sciences Fine Arts Food, Agriculture ,and Environmental Sciences Law
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Library 18th Avenue Library Thompson
(Main) Library University Archives Veterinary Medicine Agricultural Technical Institute and
Regional Campus Libraries at Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark.
1, 2 Recent focus on special purchases of retrospective content.
4 Intentional focus on purchasing e-books. Ramp up of Google e-book scanning project. Also
includes electronic theses and dissertations.
7.a, 7.b Higher expenditures due to spending down cash reserve.
7.c Ackerman rental now paid under materials funding collection support.
9 Prior year included two major renovation projects.
13.a ARL does not define “professional staff.” In recent years, Libraries has included all individuals
in the A&P classification. After a review of current practice, a decision was made to focus our
response more narrowly. Count and FTE pulled as of 9/1 to align with ARL Salary Survey.
13.c Student assistant count taken as of September 1, which is in line with the ARL Salary Survey
and more reflective of the student assistant headcount during academic semesters.
14, 15 Focused on having greater attendance at available presentations. Although total presentations
went down, total participants increased significantly.
16 Faculty retirements and issues with transaction recording influenced this change.
18 Consisted of data from COUNTER JR1 report as well as EJC downloads, which are not
COUNTER compliant.
19 Number of regular searches (databases) was up approximately 4%, which can be attributed to
the large number of database purchases made during the year.
20 Includes databases and platforms that provided this metric in COUNTER or platform reports
(DB1, DB#, BR6, PR1). At this point only one database provides federated searches as such.
22 The CIRC numbers for requests filled for our users from other libraries INCLUDES Columbus
Metro Library checkouts, which we have not included in the past. These numbers represent a
significant portion (18,167) of materials provided to our users.

