Footnotes · 75
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data from prior years not previously reported. Numbers refer
to columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise stated all figures are as of
Question Number Footnote
All figures are as of 09/30/2014.
Library branches included: Amelia Gayle Gorgas, Bruno Business Library, McLure Education
Library, Rodgers Library for Science &Engineering, Hoole Special Collections.
2 Bibliographic information has been updated in the past year.
7.a We did not purchase as many one-time resources in 2013–2014.
16 Increase in outreach and accuracy in documenting reference transactions.
All figures are as of 03/31/2014.
Library branches included: Augustana Campus Library, Book and Record Depository
(BARD), Bibliotheque Saint Jean, Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, Cameron (Science
and Technology) Library, Data Library, Herbert T. Coutts (Education and Physical Education)
Library, Rutherford (Humanities and Social Sciences) Library, John A. Weir Memorial Law
Library, John W. Scott Health Sciences Library, Winspear Business Reference Library, and
University of Alberta Archives.
6–9, 10, 12 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars. Collections Expenditures: (7a) $6,701,992 (7b)
$12,803,555 (7c) $1,632,051 (7) $21,137,598 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $7,810,256 (8b) $7,458,568 (8c)
$671,812 (8) $15,940,636 (10) $3,522,661 Overall Expenditures: (7) $21,137,598 (8) $15,940,636 (9)
$3,782,901 (6) $40,861,135 (12) NA/UA. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe
Benefits Expenditures (Q10).
7.c Effective 2013–2014, collection support figure includes cataloguing and shelf-ready processing.
10 Figure for fringe benefits includes long term disability, employment insurance, Canada Pension
Plan, Alberta Workers Compensation Board contributions, University Pension Plan, dental
plan, supplementary health coverage, life insurance, Employee and Family Assistance Program,
critical illness insurance, and Public Services Pension Plan contributions.
20 Significant increase in number of federated searches due to increased use of discovery layer
search interface.
Library branches included: Science and Engineering, Fine Arts.
Library branches included: Added a new campus called ASU Lake Havasu.
4 Includes addition of over 136K e-book MARC records loaded FY 2014, including large record
loads of 36K for new purchase of Early American Imprints Series I–II and 44K for updated
Ebrary Academic Complete and NCCO Parts I–VIII packages. E-book records newly loaded FY
2014 for Making of Modern Law, LoisLaw, and Hein Online packages.
7.a Decrease largely due to $137K reduction in operations transfers to materials budget FY 2014, and
deduction of $167K in FY14 for payments from deposit account established in FY 2011, FY 2012,
and FY 2013 included $125K each for major manuscript collection purchase, completed in two
payments so not paid FY 2014.
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