65 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 2018 to both departments. Librarians signed up to fill in information for 2-3 service areas. After their first pass, all librarians were invited to fill in any additional information they might know about the services. Introductory text and questions are included below for your reference. Answer the following questions as completely and accurately as possible for each service area, including any statistics that exist. You may need to consult with other librarians to get a complete picture of the service. If the service is not currently offered, write N/A. To get started, simply click on the link to the service you’ve been asked to work on. Research Services Research Consultations by Appointment Point of Need Reference and Research Assistance—Desk, Email, Chat, Text (Orbach Library) Point of Need Reference and Research Assistance—Desk, Email, Chat, Text (Rivera Library) Programming and Annual Events Workshops Collection Development Creat’R Lab and Maker Boxes Support for Patent Searching and Trademark Searching (USPTO) Support for Geospatial Resources and Tools Support for Grants / Research Funding Opportunities Support for Author Publishing and Publishing Metrics Support for Using Copyrighted or Licensed Materials Support for Research Data Management and Visualization Support for UC Curation Center (UC3) Tools (eScholarship, DASH, etc.) Support for Digital Scholarship Projects (including Digital Humanities) Support for Public Access Compliance (Federal Grants) Support for Open Access Mandate Compliance (UC System)
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