26 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 — 2018 groups, on email lists, and in many other venues. Gathering these expressions into the fold of reference help is part of the success scenario. Liaisons have in-depth knowledge of how user communities work, share information, and support each other, and that knowledge is essential in designing systems that gather the kinds of questions and needs users have. Clearly, the need for expertise and interpersonal skills involved in knowing how to answer questions and provide research assistance within disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts will not diminish. The new skills needed from liaisons will be around working effectively in multiple virtual environments, and contributing systematic institutional knowledge toward service design for diverse user communities. To contribute toward service design, liaisons will need to better understand the business analysis work of the library. As the MIT Libraries systematizes the information we have about users from multiple sources, one of the challenges ahead is determining how best to feed liaison knowledge of user communities into the process. Outreach Changes • Defining outreach priorities—outreach can and does encompass everything from marketing library services to supporting faculty teaching and research to staffing shifts at orientation events. Given library-wide stakeholders for these activities carried out by liaisons, prioritization will necessitate library-wide conversations and decisions. • A robust process for making decisions on library commitments to support the projects and community needs that continually surface as a result of outreach—while we pay homage to partnerships and collaborations, in reality, liaisons need much more robust tools to support anything other than fairly limited collaborative work. Most substantive partnerships require