34 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 — 2018 needs and assessable in part or whole. The Research Platform Team Initiative In 2017, building on recommendations from the ROLES study and experiences from an earlier service model internally referred to as the Research Services & Collections unit, the dean of the USF Libraries launched a new service strategy that would take the bold recommendations articulated in the ROLES report to the next level. The Research Platform Team (RPT) model creates a series of librarian- led teams tasked with establishing deep relationships with faculty and graduate students in either an academic department or disciplinary cluster to provide targeted, focused, collaborative services that emphasize active participation (as opposed to support) in research, grants, teaching, and publication. Figure 1 provides a graphic overview of the concept. The RPTs will be complemented by an Academic Success Team of librarians with a primary focus on supporting the undergraduate student population. Figure 1. Research Platform Team (RPT) concept