13 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 2018 so that librarians could move internally to other teams and pursue new opportunities however, an effective mechanism for these types of staff transitions was not created. Rearranging librarians and librarian work required more time and effort than was anticipated. To compound matters, as the librarians settled into their functional teams, they deepened their expertise and became less likely to consider opportunities in other areas of the library. Impact on Support Staff Since our organizational renewal began as an examination of librarian work, the subsequent effect of our new structure on support staff was not always considered. For example, when we created the Information Resources team, it was not fully considered how that change would affect our preexisting cataloging or acquisitions workflows. Similarly, a few units were left untouched during the reorganization (e.g., Library Information Technology Support), missing an opportunity to reposition these teams for the future. Key Questions Redesigning organizations requires acute attention to the design process itself. For example, the process employed included scoping the problem, surfacing assumptions about the work, identifying success criteria, evaluating the user experience, generating solutions, and anticipating constraints. The sections below outline some of the core questions that were used during our discussions. What Are We Trying to Build? This question clarifies the scope of the anticipated change, generates standard definitions and principles, and establishes early criteria for success. The ideas generated at this stage become touchstones to Redesigning organizations requires acute attention to the design process itself.
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