12 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 — 2018 to all of the librarians who were accustomed to working independently. While the challenge of transitioning to team-based work was anticipated, we did not offer sustained or consistent conversations about what teamwork means at the library. If this process were to be repeated, more emphasis would be put on training librarians to work effectively in teams. Decentralized Faculty Outreach Coordinating outreach efforts is more challenging in our new structure. For example, a faculty member might connect with an information literacy librarian about courses, a collections librarian about new electronic resources, and a research and scholarship librarian about research data management. External communications and faculty outreach strategies would need to change, but clear responsibility for such an important function in our new model was not assigned to a specific individual or team. Having identified this shortcoming, we continue to focus on coordinating outreach efforts and delivering consistent messaging. Cross-functional Committees To avoid creating team silos a series of cross-functional committees were formed to tackle issues that were important to multiple teams (e.g., Web and Information Architecture, Evaluation and Assessment). These groups made sense in theory, but they were not effective in practice. These committees were assembled with a representative from each functional team, assuming that this would improve internal communication on key issues however, the people at these tables did not have the expertise or authority to make decisions, so the committees were unable to address issues effectively. Internal Staff Mobility Flexibility of roles was considered as we restructured the organization