55 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 2018 needs. There are undoubtedly concepts that overlap in each of the following areas (particularly in terms of tools and platforms) but nevertheless these seemed like useful lenses for considering the skills needed to navigate the quickly changing research landscape. Ideally, librarians will be able to layer deeper functional expertise related to their roles on a solid foundation of knowledge in the areas outlined below. The expectation for RS librarians would not necessarily be to gain an unreasonably deep expertise in the following areas, but rather to gain enough fluency with the concepts to have conversations with researchers about their work, positioning them to be able to recognize the challenges they face and learn how the library can meet their needs. Information: Understanding how information is managed, including personal information management, data management and sharing, basic data science concepts, and relevant tools and platforms for managing information Workflows: Understanding researcher workflows, including the research life cycle, differences and similarities in researcher workflows across disciplines, researcher pressures and constraints, grants and funding, and relevant tools and platforms related to research workflows Projects: Understanding best practices for project management, including methods and approaches, applications for academic research, reproducible research, communication and collaboration, and tools and platforms related to projects Roles Originally, five librarian roles and one paraprofessional role were proposed as follows. In our model, each librarian acts as the point person for a particular area of expertise, serving as a functional specialist. However, these boundaries are flexible and fluid to allow for team-based consultations and open sharing of knowledge across the
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