59 Association of Research Libraries Research Library Issues 294 — 2018 Roles Creating roles based around disciplinary areas assists with external communications, particularly with faculty. However, it was clear very quickly after the reorganization that it was necessary to codify certain duties as specific assignments to individuals not based around disciplinary areas. The sub-areas were added four months after the reorganization. As part of the reorganization, Collection Strategies lost their paraprofessional and student support, requiring the need for librarians to take on additional roles. Additionally, while the previous subject- based collecting areas were reassigned under three disciplinary areas, overarching areas such as e-book maintenance and e-resource management areas were not initially re-assigned. Some of these needed areas are still under review. As such, there is a short-term need for at least one additional team member to ensure both the ability to maintain core collection duties and in order to provide an increased level of assessment and the data- driven focus desired. This additional member would be required to focus a large amount of their time on developing visualization and assessment tools that could be utilized across disciplines and collections. Our current list of roles (with sub-areas in parenthesis) is: • Collection Strategist for STEM (E-resources lead) • Collection Strategist for Social Sciences and Area Studies (Coordination of storage facilities and external shared print projects) • Collections Strategist for Arts and Humanities (Transformational models lead)