SPEC Kit 307: Manuscript Collections on the Web · 77
Finding Aids on the
10 3
10–49 5
50–99 11
100–199 6
200–299 3
300–399 9
400–499 4
500–599 4
600–999 3
1000–1999 2
2000–4999 5
5000 1
19. If not all finding aids are on the Web site, please briefly describe the criteria and process for
adding a finding aid. N=44
Selected Comments from Respondents
“1415 collections on OAC 3 collections on UCLA Digital Library site. Criteria for adding finding aid to OAC:
processed collection collection-level record in OPAC and Voyager EAD finding aid. Criteria for adding collection
to UCLA Digital Library site: digital surrogates available and useful to research community.”
“All collections that are processed are put on the Web site as the Manuscript Cataloging Librarian has time.”
“All newly created finding aids are posted to the Web site once they have been reviewed. We have posted
some legacy finding aids that were converted through a grant process, and legacy finding aids are posted in a
preliminary form.”
“All of our finding aids are on a consortium Web site with a link to our Web page, with the exception of three
heavily used guides that are in PDF files.”
“As they are processed they will be added (workflow).”
“At Indiana University all EAD finding aids are on a separate Finding Aids Web site managed by the Digital Library
Program, not the Web site of the Lilly Library. A finding aid is added to the DLP Finding Aids Web site when the
encoding is completed by a SLIS intern and revised by the Head of Technical Services.”
“Collection-level records are maintained in legacy format in a card catalog in our reading room. We create an
EAD-encoded finding aid for these collections when the collection sees high demand or when items are selected
for digitization. At that time, the finding aid is added to our online database.”
Finding Aids on the
10 3
10–49 5
50–99 11
100–199 6
200–299 3
300–399 9
400–499 4
500–599 4
600–999 3
1000–1999 2
2000–4999 5
5000 1
19. If not all finding aids are on the Web site, please briefly describe the criteria and process for
adding a finding aid. N=44
Selected Comments from Respondents
“1415 collections on OAC 3 collections on UCLA Digital Library site. Criteria for adding finding aid to OAC:
processed collection collection-level record in OPAC and Voyager EAD finding aid. Criteria for adding collection
to UCLA Digital Library site: digital surrogates available and useful to research community.”
“All collections that are processed are put on the Web site as the Manuscript Cataloging Librarian has time.”
“All newly created finding aids are posted to the Web site once they have been reviewed. We have posted
some legacy finding aids that were converted through a grant process, and legacy finding aids are posted in a
preliminary form.”
“All of our finding aids are on a consortium Web site with a link to our Web page, with the exception of three
heavily used guides that are in PDF files.”
“As they are processed they will be added (workflow).”
“At Indiana University all EAD finding aids are on a separate Finding Aids Web site managed by the Digital Library
Program, not the Web site of the Lilly Library. A finding aid is added to the DLP Finding Aids Web site when the
encoding is completed by a SLIS intern and revised by the Head of Technical Services.”
“Collection-level records are maintained in legacy format in a card catalog in our reading room. We create an
EAD-encoded finding aid for these collections when the collection sees high demand or when items are selected
for digitization. At that time, the finding aid is added to our online database.”