SPEC Kit 307: Manuscript Collections on the Web · 21
of this material and in some cases more detailed inventories and finding aids have been created. Some of the
manuscripts have records in the libraries online catalogue. However, except for one or two experiments, there has
been no programme for creating electronic records for this material. The Library is aware that this issue must be
addressed soon. Osler Library in the History of Medicine: some similarities to the Rare Books Division. The Library
is addressing the issue of electronic records.”
“The Russell Library is one of three special collections departments at UGA. My responses will cover only the
Russell Library.”
“The UCR Libraries Special Collections &Archives Department houses 279 individual manuscript collections. Each
collection is designated as part of either the UCR University Archives or the Special Collections Archives.”
“Three areas of the University Libraries hold manuscript collections. The answers to the survey reflect the largest
area, University Archives.”
“We have manuscript holdings in 4 units: Manuscripts, University Archives, Modern Graphic History Library, and
Film and Media Archive (archive of a documentary filmmaker, so the collection is a mix of paper and media—only
the paper materials are represented in our responses). The manuscript-related answers on the survey cover all 4
“We hold manuscript collections (original, unpublished materials not part of official University records).”
“We interpret ‘manuscript collections’ as all of our archival holdings that are not part of the University Archives.”
If yes, please complete the survey.
If no, please submit the survey now.
2. Please indicate which unit/department/library is responsible for arranging and describing
manuscript collections. N=69
Archives &Manuscripts Department/Burns Library/University Libraries
Archives &Manuscripts Asia Collection Special Collections (three separate departments)
Archives &Special Collections (5 responses)
Archives &Special Collections unit/Digital Initiatives &Special Collections Department
Archives &Visual Materials Cataloging
Archives and Manuscripts
Archives and Manuscripts/Department of Special and Area Studies Collections
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Program
of this material and in some cases more detailed inventories and finding aids have been created. Some of the
manuscripts have records in the libraries online catalogue. However, except for one or two experiments, there has
been no programme for creating electronic records for this material. The Library is aware that this issue must be
addressed soon. Osler Library in the History of Medicine: some similarities to the Rare Books Division. The Library
is addressing the issue of electronic records.”
“The Russell Library is one of three special collections departments at UGA. My responses will cover only the
Russell Library.”
“The UCR Libraries Special Collections &Archives Department houses 279 individual manuscript collections. Each
collection is designated as part of either the UCR University Archives or the Special Collections Archives.”
“Three areas of the University Libraries hold manuscript collections. The answers to the survey reflect the largest
area, University Archives.”
“We have manuscript holdings in 4 units: Manuscripts, University Archives, Modern Graphic History Library, and
Film and Media Archive (archive of a documentary filmmaker, so the collection is a mix of paper and media—only
the paper materials are represented in our responses). The manuscript-related answers on the survey cover all 4
“We hold manuscript collections (original, unpublished materials not part of official University records).”
“We interpret ‘manuscript collections’ as all of our archival holdings that are not part of the University Archives.”
If yes, please complete the survey.
If no, please submit the survey now.
2. Please indicate which unit/department/library is responsible for arranging and describing
manuscript collections. N=69
Archives &Manuscripts Department/Burns Library/University Libraries
Archives &Manuscripts Asia Collection Special Collections (three separate departments)
Archives &Special Collections (5 responses)
Archives &Special Collections unit/Digital Initiatives &Special Collections Department
Archives &Visual Materials Cataloging
Archives and Manuscripts
Archives and Manuscripts/Department of Special and Area Studies Collections
Archives and Modern Manuscripts Program