SPEC Kit 320: Core Benefits · 87
library employees must sign an acknowledgment form upon hire that explains that they are required to go to the city’s
Group Health Benefits Office to meet with a benefits expert in order to learn about and enroll in health insurance.
Upon initial hire, HR specialist meets with employee to explain benefits. Employees are encouraged to attend
information sessions provided semi-annually.
We in the library only answer simple questions regarding retirement other wise we refer them to the main campus HR.
We refer all new employees to our main Human Resources Office.
We refer staff to the university’s retirement workshops. We refer staff to the benefits orientation and to the info posted
on the university Web site.
We rely on central HR and vendors to inform employees of options.
65. Please briefly describe the library’s role (separate from the parent institution’s role) in
administering retirement benefits and insurance plans. For example, processing enrollment
changes, resolving coverage issues, monitoring payroll deductions, facilitating open enrollment,
etc. N=47
Assists employees to enroll and update personal information, including designation of beneficiary relating to retirement
and insurance benefits.
Direction is given by the Library HR office for staff considering retirement.
Library does not administer retirement benefits, only done by parent institution. Individuals who address questions to
Library Personnel will get direct help with resolution (questions about payroll reductions) if the question is something
Library Personnel can answer or do. Otherwise, depending on the question either Library Personnel will call a campus
entity for an answer or direct the library employee to the correct campus entity for assistance. Items like processing
changes are being done online directly by the employee as the functionality of electronic systems are enhanced.
Library does not administer retirement benefits or insurance plans. All processing, enrollment, coverage, deductions,
annual enrollment are done by the parent Faculty &Staff benefits department.
Library does not play a role.
Library HR has the employee fill out an enrollment form upon hire and provides salary, employment, and leave of
absence information to the city’s Retirement Board upon request. The library notifies employee’s of open enrollment
dates, plans and benefits offered, and plan costs. The library also hosts an informational session given by a city Group
Health Benefits representative. Library employees must work directly with the city’s Group Benefits Office.
No role. (22 responses)
No role beyond answering employee questions and directing them to appropriate resources. Disseminate information,
direct employees to appropriate central HR resources.
No role other than to point employees in the direction they need to go to get information or answers to questions.
Library’s human resources department assists employees in resolving any issues with insurance plans, answers
questions, provides forms, and assists employees with online enrollment problems.
library employees must sign an acknowledgment form upon hire that explains that they are required to go to the city’s
Group Health Benefits Office to meet with a benefits expert in order to learn about and enroll in health insurance.
Upon initial hire, HR specialist meets with employee to explain benefits. Employees are encouraged to attend
information sessions provided semi-annually.
We in the library only answer simple questions regarding retirement other wise we refer them to the main campus HR.
We refer all new employees to our main Human Resources Office.
We refer staff to the university’s retirement workshops. We refer staff to the benefits orientation and to the info posted
on the university Web site.
We rely on central HR and vendors to inform employees of options.
65. Please briefly describe the library’s role (separate from the parent institution’s role) in
administering retirement benefits and insurance plans. For example, processing enrollment
changes, resolving coverage issues, monitoring payroll deductions, facilitating open enrollment,
etc. N=47
Assists employees to enroll and update personal information, including designation of beneficiary relating to retirement
and insurance benefits.
Direction is given by the Library HR office for staff considering retirement.
Library does not administer retirement benefits, only done by parent institution. Individuals who address questions to
Library Personnel will get direct help with resolution (questions about payroll reductions) if the question is something
Library Personnel can answer or do. Otherwise, depending on the question either Library Personnel will call a campus
entity for an answer or direct the library employee to the correct campus entity for assistance. Items like processing
changes are being done online directly by the employee as the functionality of electronic systems are enhanced.
Library does not administer retirement benefits or insurance plans. All processing, enrollment, coverage, deductions,
annual enrollment are done by the parent Faculty &Staff benefits department.
Library does not play a role.
Library HR has the employee fill out an enrollment form upon hire and provides salary, employment, and leave of
absence information to the city’s Retirement Board upon request. The library notifies employee’s of open enrollment
dates, plans and benefits offered, and plan costs. The library also hosts an informational session given by a city Group
Health Benefits representative. Library employees must work directly with the city’s Group Benefits Office.
No role. (22 responses)
No role beyond answering employee questions and directing them to appropriate resources. Disseminate information,
direct employees to appropriate central HR resources.
No role other than to point employees in the direction they need to go to get information or answers to questions.
Library’s human resources department assists employees in resolving any issues with insurance plans, answers
questions, provides forms, and assists employees with online enrollment problems.