86 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
New employees attend a Benefits Orientation conducted by the university’s Human Resources Office within the first 30
days of employee. They receive information on retirement and insurance and complete registration forms.
On the first day of employment when the person “signs up” in library personnel, the assistant orients the new
employee. This is followed by enrollment in the monthly campus benefits orientation session for new employees.
One-on-one orientation with each new employee, which covers benefits. Forward any pertinent information issued by
university HR office.
One-on-one overview during recruiting/interviewing process handouts.
Orientation is part of new hire sign-in process during first day of employment. Information to current employees is
disseminated via e-mails.
Orientation package and seminars and bulletins.
Our Web pages link to the university’s pages. We describe benefits during recruitment and schedule new hires for
enrollment sessions and one-on-one counseling. Our office follows up on issues, questions, and concerns raised by
employees and managers.
Periodically, the libraries’ administration arranges for representatives from TIAA-CREF and Fidelity to be on-site for
individual meetings for library employees only. Insurance benefits discussed briefly with library faculty during job
interviews and for all employees on an as needed basis.
Provides brief orientation and printed materials during interview process and upon hire.
Provides information regarding programs offered by the university.
Refer to HR.
Retiree information is received through annual (one or two a year) on-campus workshops/info meetings which are
announced through e-mails that go out to all campus employees. The Libraries doesn’t do any orientation for insurance
benefits that is done by the campus.
Scheduled orientation meetings. Annual open season fairs.
Staff hand book and the Office of Human Resources conducts new employee orientations and on-boarding to relay this
The library provides a benefits summary statement to candidates as part of the on-campus interview packet.
The library relies on Human Resources.
The libraries require new employees to attend a New Employee Orientation session within the first 30 days of
employment which includes information regarding retirement benefits. New employees are also provided with offer
letters that include retirement benefits information.
There is a brief benefits orientation held during faculty campus interviews and another when the new employee starts.
Then we refer them to campus Benefits (same as above).
This is done through Library Human Resources.
Through one-on-one meetings with library human resources during first week of employment.
University HR Web site and individual consultation with university HR or 403(b) vendor depending on plan.
Upon hire, employees are given an orientation that covers benefits and workplace rules &requirements. All eligible
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