SPEC Kit 320: Core Benefits · 67
Who Is Not Eligible? Temporary employees, Non-faculty employees working less than 30 hours per week, Faculty
who are not full-time, Employees covered for other monthly disability income coverage provided by university, Private
Diagnostic Clinic faculty, and House Staff Officers, and Employees who reside outside of the United States. Eligible:
If you are a regular, full-time faculty member or a regular, full-time employee scheduled to work at least 30 hours per
week, you are eligible to participate in the Disability Program as of the first day of the month after the completion of
three years of full-time continuous service. You also are eligible to participate in the plan as of the first day of the month
after your hire date, without the three-year waiting period if you have had group long-term disability coverage (which
would have provided benefits for a minimum of five years) through your former employer within 90 days of starting your
eligible position.
We do not have a separate short-term disability plan. Our long-term disability plan has a 30-day waiting period to
address short-term issues.
If any of the following tax advantaged accounts is offered to library staff, please answer the
following questions.
If none is offered, please continue to the HMO Program section of the survey.
45. Please indicate whether any of the following tax advantaged accounts is offered to library staff.
Yes No
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)–Medical Reimbursement 42 10
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)–Dependent Care Reimbursement 44 8
Health Savings Account (HSA) 13 39
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) 7 45
Limited Purpose Medical Reimbursement 4 48
46. For each type of account that is offered, please enter the maximum annual contribution (in dollars)
by the employer. N=44
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)–Medical Reimbursement N=40
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0 12,000 1,682.50 0 2672.35
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