74 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Percentage Responses
60 3
60–69 5
70–79 8
80–89 9
90–99 6
100 1
Maximum out of pocket for family coverage N=30
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0 18,000 3,041.94 2,400 3412.04
0 1
2,000–2,999 4
3,000–3,999 5
4,000–4,999 4
5,000–5,999 2
6,000–6,999 2
7,000–7,999 2
8,000-8,999 4
9,000–9,999 2
10,000 3
$1,000/person 1
Point-of-Service (POS) program: A POS program is an “HMO/PPO” hybrid POS programs resemble HMOs for in-network services.
Services received outside of the network are usually reimbursed in a manner similar to conventional indemnity plans (e.g., provider
reimbursement based on a fee schedule or usual, customary, and reasonable charges).
53. Are library staff offered a POS option? N=52
Yes 12 23%
No 40 77%
Percentage Responses
60 3
60–69 5
70–79 8
80–89 9
90–99 6
100 1
Maximum out of pocket for family coverage N=30
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0 18,000 3,041.94 2,400 3412.04
0 1
2,000–2,999 4
3,000–3,999 5
4,000–4,999 4
5,000–5,999 2
6,000–6,999 2
7,000–7,999 2
8,000-8,999 4
9,000–9,999 2
10,000 3
$1,000/person 1
Point-of-Service (POS) program: A POS program is an “HMO/PPO” hybrid POS programs resemble HMOs for in-network services.
Services received outside of the network are usually reimbursed in a manner similar to conventional indemnity plans (e.g., provider
reimbursement based on a fee schedule or usual, customary, and reasonable charges).
53. Are library staff offered a POS option? N=52
Yes 12 23%
No 40 77%