SPEC Kit 320: Core Benefits · 85
64. Please briefly describe how the library orients new employees and disseminates information to
current employees regarding retirement and insurance benefits. N=47
All information about benefits and retirement comes from the parent Faculty &Staff Benefits department. Library does
not orient new employees to benefits. This is done by Human Resources.
Benefits direction is given by the library HR office.
Benefits Orientation is required for full-time, benefits-eligible staff. Human Resources conducts this orientation session.
Either in-person or group orientation sessions for new employees. Library Personnel Officer answers questions on a daily
basis. Information can be obtained from Web site. Retirement program vendors hold on-campus information sessions.
E-mail, training sessions, one-on-one session.
Employee orientation &HR Web site.
Employees are directed to Employee Benefits if they have specific questions after attending the university’s orientation
Employees referred to the benefits office individual counseling given/available with library HR manager Presentations
are periodically scheduled and individual 1-on-1 consultations are encouraged.
I enroll them in two all-campus orientation sessions prior to their start date. On their first day, I meet with them and
give them the information for the orientation sessions and provide them with the links to the retirement and insurance
benefit information.
Individual meetings prior to contract signature. Otherwise, human resources management responsibility.
Initial new hire meeting with libraries HR department includes benefits orientation and arranging for new employee to
attend university orientation.
Libraries Human Resource Director communicates options on the first day of employment. Provides resources to how
to find forms, information, and who to contact in parent Human Resource office. Libraries communicates to Parent
Institution of the new hire. Insurance packet is then campus mailed to new employee. Libraries Human Resource Director
offers time to walk through application with new hire.
Libraries new employee orientation program. Advise employees to attend benefits overview sessions, check out
Retirement Manager tool and/or make appointments to meet with FMEC Consultants review the employee benefits
Web pages, send questions to Benefits e-mail or make appointment with benefits counselor.
Library briefing points new employees to the parent institution online orientation program.
For retirement, library HR staff answer routine questions and provide information on who to contact in the central
Human Resources Department. For insurance, library role is similar to their role regarding retirement benefits, answer
basic questions and direct to central HR.
Library orientation is catered toward the specific position/department. Library employees receive retirement information
centrally through the university Benefits Office. Library makes sure employees know about Benefits Meetings on
64. Please briefly describe how the library orients new employees and disseminates information to
current employees regarding retirement and insurance benefits. N=47
All information about benefits and retirement comes from the parent Faculty &Staff Benefits department. Library does
not orient new employees to benefits. This is done by Human Resources.
Benefits direction is given by the library HR office.
Benefits Orientation is required for full-time, benefits-eligible staff. Human Resources conducts this orientation session.
Either in-person or group orientation sessions for new employees. Library Personnel Officer answers questions on a daily
basis. Information can be obtained from Web site. Retirement program vendors hold on-campus information sessions.
E-mail, training sessions, one-on-one session.
Employee orientation &HR Web site.
Employees are directed to Employee Benefits if they have specific questions after attending the university’s orientation
Employees referred to the benefits office individual counseling given/available with library HR manager Presentations
are periodically scheduled and individual 1-on-1 consultations are encouraged.
I enroll them in two all-campus orientation sessions prior to their start date. On their first day, I meet with them and
give them the information for the orientation sessions and provide them with the links to the retirement and insurance
benefit information.
Individual meetings prior to contract signature. Otherwise, human resources management responsibility.
Initial new hire meeting with libraries HR department includes benefits orientation and arranging for new employee to
attend university orientation.
Libraries Human Resource Director communicates options on the first day of employment. Provides resources to how
to find forms, information, and who to contact in parent Human Resource office. Libraries communicates to Parent
Institution of the new hire. Insurance packet is then campus mailed to new employee. Libraries Human Resource Director
offers time to walk through application with new hire.
Libraries new employee orientation program. Advise employees to attend benefits overview sessions, check out
Retirement Manager tool and/or make appointments to meet with FMEC Consultants review the employee benefits
Web pages, send questions to Benefits e-mail or make appointment with benefits counselor.
Library briefing points new employees to the parent institution online orientation program.
For retirement, library HR staff answer routine questions and provide information on who to contact in the central
Human Resources Department. For insurance, library role is similar to their role regarding retirement benefits, answer
basic questions and direct to central HR.
Library orientation is catered toward the specific position/department. Library employees receive retirement information
centrally through the university Benefits Office. Library makes sure employees know about Benefits Meetings on