SPEC Kit 320: Core Benefits · 53
Life insurance is available to all staff but ADD is only available to academic staff and senior support staff designated as
Management and Professional Staff.
The amount of the AD&D benefit is based on a table of covered losses and provides 100% for the loss of life, and 50%
for the loss of a hand, foot, or eye sight from one eye due to an accident which is the sole cause of the injury, the injury
is the sole cause of the loss, and the loss occurs not more than 90 days after the date of the accident. AD&D Exclusions:
AD&D (Accidental Death and Dismemberment) benefits aren’t paid for losses that are the result of the following:
Physical or mental illness, diagnosis of or treatment for the illness infection, unless it is cased by an external wound that
can be seen and which was sustained in an accident, suicide or attempted suicide, injuring yourself on purpose, the
use of a drug or medicine, a war, or a warlike action in time of peace, committing or trying to commit a felony or other
serious crime, or an assault.
The employer also offers an optional life in addition to the basic life benefit which provides additional life insurance
to employees (both librarians and support staff) and is entirely employee paid. The employer also offers an optional
dependent life benefit (both librarians and support staff) for spouse and eligible dependents that is entirely employee
paid. Just to note that the ADD is optional for librarians and is employee paid but the ADD for support staff is not
optional and is entirely employer paid. And there is also a voluntary accidental insurance plan that provides additional
coverage for support staff that is employee paid. Librarians have critical illness insurance that is employer paid and
additional critical illness voluntary insurance for self and for spouse that is employee paid. Librarians and support staff
also have employer paid travel insurance that covers death or bodily injury while travelling on university business.
This is 100% employee paid and is a voluntary benefit.
We don’t pay a percentage on the employee, but we do purchase a $5K policy on all employees.
34. Please indicate in the table below which of the following insurance benefits are offered to library
staff and whether any of the available plans offer coverage for their spouses, domestic partners, or
dependents. Check all that apply. N=53
Employee Spouse Opposite
sex domestic
Same sex
Dependents Not
Health insurance 52 52 23 36 50 —
Dental insurance 53 53 24 38 52 —
Vision insurance 44 43 18 27 43 8
Short-term disability insurance 35 2 1 2 2 10
Long-term disability insurance 50 4 1 2 2 2
Other insurance benefit 24 15 6 8 12 9
Number of responses 53 53 26 39 52 22
Life insurance is available to all staff but ADD is only available to academic staff and senior support staff designated as
Management and Professional Staff.
The amount of the AD&D benefit is based on a table of covered losses and provides 100% for the loss of life, and 50%
for the loss of a hand, foot, or eye sight from one eye due to an accident which is the sole cause of the injury, the injury
is the sole cause of the loss, and the loss occurs not more than 90 days after the date of the accident. AD&D Exclusions:
AD&D (Accidental Death and Dismemberment) benefits aren’t paid for losses that are the result of the following:
Physical or mental illness, diagnosis of or treatment for the illness infection, unless it is cased by an external wound that
can be seen and which was sustained in an accident, suicide or attempted suicide, injuring yourself on purpose, the
use of a drug or medicine, a war, or a warlike action in time of peace, committing or trying to commit a felony or other
serious crime, or an assault.
The employer also offers an optional life in addition to the basic life benefit which provides additional life insurance
to employees (both librarians and support staff) and is entirely employee paid. The employer also offers an optional
dependent life benefit (both librarians and support staff) for spouse and eligible dependents that is entirely employee
paid. Just to note that the ADD is optional for librarians and is employee paid but the ADD for support staff is not
optional and is entirely employer paid. And there is also a voluntary accidental insurance plan that provides additional
coverage for support staff that is employee paid. Librarians have critical illness insurance that is employer paid and
additional critical illness voluntary insurance for self and for spouse that is employee paid. Librarians and support staff
also have employer paid travel insurance that covers death or bodily injury while travelling on university business.
This is 100% employee paid and is a voluntary benefit.
We don’t pay a percentage on the employee, but we do purchase a $5K policy on all employees.
34. Please indicate in the table below which of the following insurance benefits are offered to library
staff and whether any of the available plans offer coverage for their spouses, domestic partners, or
dependents. Check all that apply. N=53
Employee Spouse Opposite
sex domestic
Same sex
Dependents Not
Health insurance 52 52 23 36 50 —
Dental insurance 53 53 24 38 52 —
Vision insurance 44 43 18 27 43 8
Short-term disability insurance 35 2 1 2 2 10
Long-term disability insurance 50 4 1 2 2 2
Other insurance benefit 24 15 6 8 12 9
Number of responses 53 53 26 39 52 22