14 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
Life and ADD Insurance
All but one of the 55 respondents provide life insurance benefits and 47 (85%) offer ADD insurance benefits.
The survey asked about the availability of these benefits for spouses, opposite-sex domestic partners, same-
sex domestic partners, and dependents. The majority of responding institutions make these benefits available
to spouses and dependents, with a smaller, but still significant number of respondents offering life and ADD
benefits to domestic partners. A majority of the 25 respondents who offer coverage to domestic partners indi-
cated the employee cost was the same for spouses as for domestic partners for both life insurance coverage (17
or 68%) and for ADD insurance coverage (16 or 64%).
Coverage Offered for Employee Spouse Dependents Same Sex
Domestic Partner
Opposite Sex
Domestic Partner
Basic Life Insurance 54 30 29 19 15
ADD Insurance 47 29 27 17 12
The survey asked what percentage of the life insurance premium the employer pays for employees, spouses,
opposite-sex domestic partners, same-sex domestic partners, and dependents. The employer’s contributions
to premiums for employees are quite high: 33% of the premium was the smallest contribution and 71% of
respondents indicated the employer covers the entire premium. However, employer contributions are much
less common for eligible non-employees.
Employer Contributes
for Life Insurance
Some Percentage
of Premiums
of Premiums
For Employee 82% 71% 79% 100%
For Spouse 14% 4% 10% 0
For Dependents 14% 7% 11% 0
For Opposite Sex Domestic Partner 14% 7% 11% 0
For Same Sex Domestic Partner 11% 5% 8% 0
The majority of respondents (31 or 55%) use a fixed multiple of employee earnings to calculate the amount
of the life insurance benefit. Nineteen respondents pay a flat cash amount, and two reported that the amount
of life insurance benefits was determined by a variable multiple of employee earnings.
The survey also asked what percentage of the premium for ADD insurance the employer pays for employ-
ees, spouses, opposite-sex domestic partners, same-sex domestic partners, and dependents. Employers com-
monly contribute to premiums for employees. Again, 33% of the premium was the smallest contribution, and
19 institutions (49%) contribute 100%. As with life insurance, employer contributions are much less common
for spouses and dependents. No respondents reported that the employer makes contributions to premiums
for domestic partners.
Employer Contributes
for ADD Insurance
Some Percentage
of Premiums
of Premiums
For Employee 59% 49% 56% 85%
For Spouse and Dependents 9% 0 5% 0
Life and ADD Insurance
All but one of the 55 respondents provide life insurance benefits and 47 (85%) offer ADD insurance benefits.
The survey asked about the availability of these benefits for spouses, opposite-sex domestic partners, same-
sex domestic partners, and dependents. The majority of responding institutions make these benefits available
to spouses and dependents, with a smaller, but still significant number of respondents offering life and ADD
benefits to domestic partners. A majority of the 25 respondents who offer coverage to domestic partners indi-
cated the employee cost was the same for spouses as for domestic partners for both life insurance coverage (17
or 68%) and for ADD insurance coverage (16 or 64%).
Coverage Offered for Employee Spouse Dependents Same Sex
Domestic Partner
Opposite Sex
Domestic Partner
Basic Life Insurance 54 30 29 19 15
ADD Insurance 47 29 27 17 12
The survey asked what percentage of the life insurance premium the employer pays for employees, spouses,
opposite-sex domestic partners, same-sex domestic partners, and dependents. The employer’s contributions
to premiums for employees are quite high: 33% of the premium was the smallest contribution and 71% of
respondents indicated the employer covers the entire premium. However, employer contributions are much
less common for eligible non-employees.
Employer Contributes
for Life Insurance
Some Percentage
of Premiums
of Premiums
For Employee 82% 71% 79% 100%
For Spouse 14% 4% 10% 0
For Dependents 14% 7% 11% 0
For Opposite Sex Domestic Partner 14% 7% 11% 0
For Same Sex Domestic Partner 11% 5% 8% 0
The majority of respondents (31 or 55%) use a fixed multiple of employee earnings to calculate the amount
of the life insurance benefit. Nineteen respondents pay a flat cash amount, and two reported that the amount
of life insurance benefits was determined by a variable multiple of employee earnings.
The survey also asked what percentage of the premium for ADD insurance the employer pays for employ-
ees, spouses, opposite-sex domestic partners, same-sex domestic partners, and dependents. Employers com-
monly contribute to premiums for employees. Again, 33% of the premium was the smallest contribution, and
19 institutions (49%) contribute 100%. As with life insurance, employer contributions are much less common
for spouses and dependents. No respondents reported that the employer makes contributions to premiums
for domestic partners.
Employer Contributes
for ADD Insurance
Some Percentage
of Premiums
of Premiums
For Employee 59% 49% 56% 85%
For Spouse and Dependents 9% 0 5% 0