84 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Orientation for new hires benefit presentation through campus at various times of the year literature/manuals from
providers sent out to employees.
Orientation is a one-day session for all new employees covering various topics. Retirement sessions are offered
throughout the year as well as extensive information available online. New employees go to a Benefits Meeting within
their first month.
Orientation package and seminars and bulletins.
Orientation sessions are offered to new hires which includes information on retirement. Employees receive a CD with
all plan information available on the CD. In addition, a benefits Web site is available with benefit plan information.
Complete information is disseminated on an annual basis during the annual enrollment period on a CD in addition to
Web site information. Annual meetings are conducted if there have been major changes to benefit plans.
Regularly scheduled training and enrollment sessions. Materials are available through a Web site, employee newsletter,
and new employee handbook.
Retirement planning meetings are suggested at the beginning of employment. Informational meetings are offered and
individual meetings can be set up with Staff Benefits department. Employee receives packet of information about each
benefits plan. Also, receives forms for enrollment. Written resources as well as online resources are provided.
Staff attend half-day orientation sponsored by the university HR office. University HR also sends a benefits-related
quarterly newsletter.
Staff hand book and the Office of Human Resources conducts new employee orientations and on-boarding to relay this
The city offers an online orientation and has a Web site with information on benefits, A representative from the city’s
Retirement Board provides informational sessions, mailings are sent directly to employees, and employees may call or
meet with Retirement Board representatives. Employees are required to go to the city’s Group Health Benefits Office to
meet with a Group Benefits expert in order to learn about and enroll in a health insurance plan.
There are regular retirement workshops offered to both librarians and support staff. Each new employee attends a
Benefits orientation. Information to current employees is disseminated through listservs and is posted on the university
Web site.
Through institutional orientation program half-day session including information packets and a presentation. University
HR staff are available for individual consultation.
Through online new employee orientation. Employees are advised to meet individually with retirement provider
Via tools located on the Human Resources Web site as well as sessions provided by Pension Plan Administrators.
Web site info individual annual report annual report Course: “preparation to retirement.” Information tool kit given
during first hiring meeting.
Welcome letter sent to new employees asking them to attend a New Employee Benefit Orientation. For ORP, they get
a packet of information after one year of employment. For ongoing employees, each year on-campus forums are given
regarding the available insurance plans being offered for the next fiscal year.
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