SPEC Kit 320: Core Benefits · 15
Other Insurance Benefits
All but a few of the 53 responding institutions offer health and dental insurance to library employees, their
spouses, and dependents. Almost all offer employees long-term disability insurance, and two-thirds offer short-
term disability insurance, though few extend disability coverage to spouses and dependents. More than 80%
of the respondents offer vision insurance to employees, spouses, and dependents. More than half offer health,
dental, and vision insurance to same-sex domestic partners, but only a little more than a third offer these benefits
to opposite-sex domestic partners. Other commonly reported insurance benefits were long-term care, which
was prevalent, and cancer and legal insurance. As with life and ADD insurance, a majority of the respondents
who offer health, dental, and vision insurance coverage to domestic partners indicated the employee cost is the
same for spouses as for domestic partners. At the small number of institutions that offer short-term or long-
term disability insurance to non-employees, the premium for spouses and domestic partners is also the same.
Coverage Offered for Employee Spouse Dependents Same Sex
Domestic Partner
Opposite Sex
Domestic Partner
Dental 53 53 52 38 24
Health 52 52 50 36 23
Vision 44 43 43 27 18
Short-term Disability 35 2 2 2 1
Long-term Disability 50 4 2 2 1
For dental, vision, and disability insurance plans, employers are most likely to contribute something for
dental premiums, though they more often contribute 100% of the premium for long-term disability coverage.
A significant number of respondents also reported some level of employer support for vision and short-term
disability plans.
Employer Contributes
Some Percentage
of Premiums
of Premiums
Dental 71% 42% 61% 80%
Long-term Disability 58% 53% 54% 100%
Vision 46% 34% 44% 0
Short-term Disability 41% 33% 37% 0
Health Insurance
Group health plans provide library employees access to a broad range of treatments. Over 90% of respondents
reported that their plans cover both inpatient and outpatient mental health services. Over 80% cover substance
abuse rehabilitation and detoxification, contraception, and hospice care. Coverage for infertility and acupunc-
ture treatments are somewhat less common. Almost all of the group health plans provide coverage for prescrip-
tions, hospitalization, cancer treatment, and intensive care. Though only 23% of group health plans provide
coverage for long-term care, employers commonly offer this coverage through separate supplemental plans.
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