Institutional Repositories · 83
28. Has your institution done research on why users contribute or do not contribute documents to
the IR? N=54
Yes 13 24% 8 22% 5 28%
No 41 76% 28 78% 13 72%
If yes, please describe the research.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“We are launching a survey next week on faculty attitudes toward their IP/rights management and alternative
publishing mechanisms like the eScholarship Repository. Stay tuned.”
“Conducted faculty focus groups.”
“There was a nine-month project to investigate recruitment strategies using three sample departments and
looking at factors such as copyright clearance for older material, support for scanning and metadata entry, and
various marketing strategies.”
“Literature search networking with similar institutions discussions with others at conferences, etc.”
“No research on [local] contributions, but have carefully followed other published research accounts of IR
“Series of recurrent interviews with early adopters. Interviews with key respondents from within the library.
Survey of users and reference librarians.”
“We conducted an internal survey to find out why librarians won’t submit to the IR. Reasons were: no time
and not sure their materials are worth preserving.”
“Readings in professional literature.”
“Read articles. Attended many conference sessions.”
“Research to date has consisted of reviewing literature. A formalized investigation will be conducted at a later
stage in our pilot phase.”
“Interviews of potential users. (IR is not implemented).”
28. Has your institution done research on why users contribute or do not contribute documents to
the IR? N=54
Yes 13 24% 8 22% 5 28%
No 41 76% 28 78% 13 72%
If yes, please describe the research.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“We are launching a survey next week on faculty attitudes toward their IP/rights management and alternative
publishing mechanisms like the eScholarship Repository. Stay tuned.”
“Conducted faculty focus groups.”
“There was a nine-month project to investigate recruitment strategies using three sample departments and
looking at factors such as copyright clearance for older material, support for scanning and metadata entry, and
various marketing strategies.”
“Literature search networking with similar institutions discussions with others at conferences, etc.”
“No research on [local] contributions, but have carefully followed other published research accounts of IR
“Series of recurrent interviews with early adopters. Interviews with key respondents from within the library.
Survey of users and reference librarians.”
“We conducted an internal survey to find out why librarians won’t submit to the IR. Reasons were: no time
and not sure their materials are worth preserving.”
“Readings in professional literature.”
“Read articles. Attended many conference sessions.”
“Research to date has consisted of reviewing literature. A formalized investigation will be conducted at a later
stage in our pilot phase.”
“Interviews of potential users. (IR is not implemented).”